Emory Theses and Dissertations
The Emory Theses and Dissertations (ETD) Repository holds theses and dissertations from the Laney Graduate School, the Rollins School of Public Health, and the Candler School of Theology, as well as undergraduate honors papers from Emory College of Arts and Sciences.
Emory University theses and dissertations submitted before the launch of the ETD repository can be found by searching the Emory Library Catalog. The theses and dissertations of the Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering, a joint degree program by Emory University and Georgia Tech, are available in SMARTech, Georgia Tech’s repository, and in the Emory Library Catalog.
News & Announcements
ETD Copyright Workshops
Visit the Emory Libraries' Scholarly Communications workshop page for upcoming and recorded ETD copyright workshops for your thesis or dissertation.
Submission Forms For All Participants
All students depositing their thesis or dissertation must complete the ETD Submission form:
- College Honors Program submission form
- Candler School of Theology submission form
- Rollins School of Public Health submission form
- Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing submission form
This form WHICH REQUIRES THE SIGNATURE OF YOUR ADVISOR gives the library permission to publish your thesis or dissertation on the web; confirms access restrictions -- if any; and certifies that you have secured rights to all content that you will be publishing.
Carregado recentemente
Gender in Divine Spaces and Visions in Ezekiel
Depositante: Rachel Stuart
Palavras-chave: queer reading, gender, Ezekiel, cognitive linguistics, vision, angels, chariot vision, trauma, Babylonian exile, theophany, dry bones, Hebrew Bible
Transfer and Integration of Knowledge for Irregular Spatiotemporal Data
Depositante: Shrey Gupta
Palavras-chave: Air Pollution Modeling, Spatiotemporal Data, Transfer Learning
Ecological Dynamics of Aedes aegypti-Wolbachia pipientis wAlbB Strain Interactions
Depositante: Juan Duran Ahumada
Palavras-chave: Aedes aegypti, wAlbB, mosquito, Wolbachia pipientis, Ecology
Role of Mab21l2 expression in the development and specification of neurons in the Enteric Nervous System
Depositante: Anoushka Mukhopadhyay
Palavras-chave: Biology