Responsible Volunteerism in Global Health: The Development of Volunteer Manuals for Global H.E.E.D., a Nongovernment Organization Based in Atlanta Open Access

Petrilla, Allyson Marie (2011)

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Responsible Volunteerism in Global Health: The Development of Volunteer Manuals for
Global H.E.E.D., a Nongovernment Organization Based in Atlanta

By Allyson M. Petrilla

Background: During the last two decades in the United States and around the world,
there has been a striking upsurge in organized volunteer service. A certain portion of this
work takes place in international settings, and many organizations carry out short-term
projects in public health and medicine. There are many who take a critical stance on the
use of unskilled volunteers and the potential ramifications of international service work,
especially in the health field. In order to carry out sustainable, responsible short-term
projects, well-established organizations offer training guidelines for volunteers and trip
leaders. Global H.E.E.D., a relatively new and small volunteer sending organization
focusing on the areas of Health, Education, and Economic Development, is working to
improve its operations and develop volunteer resources for its continued growth in the
international volunteerism sector.

Objective: This special studies project aims to describe the design of a set of volunteer
handbooks focusing on Global H.E.E.D.'s projects in Clahuitz, Guatemala. The
development of these handbooks will better prepare volunteers for their work abroad, and
strengthen Global H.E.E.D.'s volunteer resources as the organization continues to grow
and carry out sustainable projects.

Methods: Five volunteer sending organizations were examined, focusing on the
components of their volunteer policies and training. These resources were evaluated
along with trip leader field notes from a prior volunteer trip to inform the development of
Global H.E.E.D.'s handbooks.

Results: The model organizations' manuals included components such as the history,
mission, and values of the organization; information on the geographic and cultural
setting; details about projects and sites; and travel considerations. In addition to these
components, it was determined that Global H.E.E.D.'s manuals should contain pre-
departure information, contact points, volunteer testimonials, and Frequently Asked
Questions particular to the organization's projects in Calhuitz. In total, three new manuals
were developed for Global H.E.E.D.

Discussion: The development of these handbooks for Global H.E.E.D. filled a gap in the
organizations resources. Proper preparation of unskilled volunteers for short-term
projects in public health is essential to carrying out socially responsible, sustainable
initiatives. In the continuing growth of international volunteerism, sending organizations
must not only recognize a legal obligation to provide information to volunteers, but must
also responsibly equip participants to carry out effective projects.

Responsible Volunteerism in Global Health: The Development of Volunteer Manuals for
Global H.E.E.D., a Nongovernment Organization Based in Atlanta
Allyson M. Petrilla
B.S. Public Health
The George Washington University
Thesis Committee Chair: Mimi Kiser, RN, MPH
A thesis submitted to the Faculty of the
Rollins School of Public Health of Emory University
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Public Health in Global Health

Table of Contents


CHAPTER ONE ........................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................... 1
Introduction and Rationale ............................................................................ 1
Problem Statement ...................................................................................... 2
Purpose Statement ...................................................................................... 5
Project Objectives ........................................................................................ 6
Significance Statement ................................................................................. 7
Definition of Terms....................................................................................... 7

CHAPTER TWO ........................................................................................... 9
REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE ......................................................................... 9
Introduction ................................................................................................. 9
Part One: Global Health, "Voluntourism," and the Nonprofit sector ...................... 9
Part Two: Implications: Responsible Service and the Potential For Harm ............. 11
Part Three: Effective Practices in Volunteer and Leader Training ........................ 14
Summary of Current Issues and Project Relevance .......................................... 17
CHAPTER THREE....................................................................................... 18
METHODOLOGY .......................................................................................... 18
Introduction ............................................................................................... 18
Ethical Considerations .................................................................................. 19
Population and Sample ................................................................................. 19
Assessment Design ...................................................................................... 21
Procedures ................................................................................................. 21
Instruments ............................................................................................... 22
CHAPTER FOUR ........................................................................................ 25
ANALYSIS AND RESULTS .............................................................................. 25
Introduction ............................................................................................... 25
Analysis ..................................................................................................... 25
Findings ..................................................................................................... 27
Other Findings ............................................................................................ 28
Summary ................................................................................................... 29
Discussion and Limitations ............................................................................ 29
Implications, Recommendations and Conclusion ............................................... 31
REFERENCES ............................................................................................. 36
Appendix A: Fellowship Information Packet .............................................. 40
Appendix B: Fellowship Welcome Packet.................................................... 53
Appendix C: Trip Leader Handbook ............................................................ 81

About this Master's Thesis

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  • Permission granted by the author to include this thesis or dissertation in this repository. All rights reserved by the author. Please contact the author for information regarding the reproduction and use of this thesis or dissertation.
  • English
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