Capital Gains: A Bourdieusian Map of the United States Público

Nelson-Goedert, Nicholaus (2016)

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In this dissertation, I explore the political culture of the United States by utilizing Pierre Bourdieu's sociological framework of culture in light of Daniel Elazar's twentieth century state political categorization. While building upon Bourdieu's core social concepts of habitus, capital, and the field, in tandem with his account of national development, I develop a map of the United States that demarcates where categories of such variables are located. I deem these categories Bourdieusian political cultures. Finally, I delve into the nascent development for Bourdieusian political cultures and mechanisms of sustainability.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Political Culture, Pierre Bourdieu, and the American States 5

Overview 6

Political Culture 7-8

Political Culture Theories 9

Elazar 16

Cultural Streams 17

Chapter 2: Bourdieu and Political Culture 21

Field 22

Capital 23

Habitus 23-24

Bourdieu and State Development 25

State 26

Physical Force and Economic Capital 27-28

Informational Capital 33

Symbolic Capital 33-24

State Nobility 35-41

Power 41

Bourdieu and Political Culture 43

Chapter 3: Toward the Bourdieusian Political Cultures of the American States 45

Elazar's Political Cultures 47

Measures of Capital 52

Principal Component Analysis 54

Incorporating Additional Capital Measures 56

Civil War 57

Chapter 4: Mapping Bourdieusian Political Culture in the American States 60

Background for Political Mappings 61

Utility of the Capital Centered Map 64

Final Revised Bourdieusian Map 77

Chapter 5: Validating and Contextualizing Bourdieusian Maps of American Political Culture 79

Measuring Ideology 81

Factor Analysis 82

Cluster Factor Scores 86

Clusters and Ideology 88

Conservatism 88-91

Democratic Party Membership 92-94

Democratic Congressional Representation 95

Poole's Congressional Conservatism 98

Social Conservatism 99

Religiosity 102

Chapter 6: Practices: An Integrative and Explanatory Focus 106

Habitus 106

Bourdieusian Social Theory 107

Practice 107

Political Habitus 108

Political Capital 109

Political Field 109

Bourdieusian Political Culture 110

Conclusion 113

Appendix A: Elazarian Political Cultures 114

Appendix B: Canonical Correlations 122

Bibliography 129

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