Orientation and Vibrational Dynamics of Rhenium Bipyridyl CO2-Reduction Catalysts on Model Electrode Surfaces Public
Anfuso, Chantelle Lindsay (2012)
The average molecular orientation of several rhenium bipyridyl CO2-reduction catalysts adsorbed onto rutile single crystalline TiO2 surfaces has been determined using vibrational sum frequency generation spectroscopy (VSFGS). The vibrational relaxation dynamics of two such catalysts were also investigated on two model electrode surfaces using time-resolved VSFGS techniques.
Polarization-resolved VSFGS was used to determine the average molecular orientation of ReC0A on TiO2 (001), which was found to be within 0 - 22° from the surface normal. These results were supported by Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations of optimized adsorption geometries. The influence of the substrate on the molecular organization was investigated by monitoring the degree of surface-induced ordering for ReC0A on TiO2 (110). ReC0A exhibited a well-defined anisotropic arrangement following the C2v symmetry of the TiO2 (110) surface, in contrast to an isotropic distribution on the more symmetric (C4) TiO2 (001) surface. An average orientation angle of 28° was determined for the ReC0A/TiO2 (110) system. The influence of lengthening the molecular linkers in a similar system was determined by investigating the adsorption geometries for the series ReCnA (n = 0 - 4) on TiO2 (001) using phase-sensitive VSFGS and DFT calculations. The orientation angles were found to be closely correlated with the average lengths of the two linking anchoring groups, with the molecules tilting more towards the TiO2 surface with increasing linker length.
Time-resolved VSFGS was used to investigate the vibrational relaxation dynamics of the totally symmetric CO stretch of ReC0A on TiO2 (110) and ReC0-Au. Both systems exhibited bi-exponential relaxation from the υ = 1 state consisting of an ultrafast (sub-picosecond) initial relaxation followed by complete recovery of the ground vibrational state within tens of picoseconds. The ultrafast decay is assigned to rapid υ-υ coupling between the three CO stretching modes, and the slower decay is assigned to vibrational population relaxation from the coupled CO modes. Although both systems exhibited similar ultrafast decay rates of the excited state, the excited a'(1) mode persisted for significantly longer in ReC0A on TiO2 compared to ReC0-Au (τ2 = 30.35 and 14.8 ps, respectively). This is attributed to electronic interactions between ReC0A and TiO2 not present in the ReC0-Au system.Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Introduction
1.1. General Introduction
11.2. Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy
4 1.2.1. General Description 4 1.2.2. Historical Background 61.3. Catalytic Reduction of CO2 via Transition Metal Complexes
10 1.3.1. General Description 101.3.2. Rhenium Bipyridyl CO2 Reduction Catalysts
121.4. Summary and Overview
16 1.5. References 17Chapter 2. Theoretical Description of Sum Frequency Generation
26 2.1. Origins of the Nonlinear Optical Response 272.2. Theoretical Description of Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy
302.3. Using Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy to Determine Molecular Orientation
352.4. Theory of Time-Resolved Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy
39 2.5. References 42 Chapter 3. Experimental Methods 44 3.1. Sample Preparation 443.1.1. Molecular Adsorbates - Re bipyridyl complexes
443.1.2. Preparation of TiO2 Single Crystal Substrates
453.1.3. Sensitization of Rutile TiO2 Single Crystals
46 3.1.4. Preparation of Au Films 473.1.5. Chemisorption of a Rhenium Bipyridyl Complex on Gold Substrates
473.2. Static Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy Measurements
483.2.1. The Laser Source
503.2.2. Generation of Tunable Broadband Infrared Pulses
523.2.3. Generation of Narrowband Visible Pulses
54 3.2.4. Sample Stage 573.2.4.1. Static Homodyne-detected Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy Measurements
573.2.4.2. Static Phase Sensitive-detected Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy Measurements
593.2.5. Detecting Generated Sum Frequency Pulses
59 3.3. Time-Resolved Measurements 613.3.1. IR-Pump SFG-Probe Homodyne-detected Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy Measurements
61 3.3.2. Ultrafast Mid-Infrared Transient Absorption Measurements 623.4. Density Functional Theory Calculations (performed by Victor Batista et al. at Yale University)
643.4.1. Density Functional Theory (DFT) Calculations of ReC0A on TiO2 (001)
643.4.2. PS-VSFGS Spectra Simulation
643.4.3. Density Functional Theory (DFT) Calculations of ReCnA on TiO2 (001)
653.5. Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy Signal Processing Methods
663.5.1. Static Homodyne-detected Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy
663.5.2. Static Phase Sensitive-detected Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy
66 3.6. References 68Chapter 4. Orientation of a Rhenium Bipyridyl CO2-Reduction Catalyst Adsorbed onto Rutile Single Crystalline TiO2 (001)
71 4.1. Introduction 71 4.2. Results and Discussion 744.2.1. Static UV-visible and FTIR absorption spectra of ReC0A in solution
744.2.2. VSFGS spectra of ReC0A on TiO2 (001)
764.2.2.1. Spectral Processing Details
764.2.2.2. Processed VSFGS Spectra of ReC0A on TiO2 (001)
784.2.2.3. Doubly-resonant VSFGS Study
804.2.3. Orientation Analysis of ReC0A on TiO2 (001)
844.2.3.1. Theoretical Considerations
844.2.3.2. Molecular Orientation Determination
874.2.4. Density Functional Theory (DFT) Calculations of ReC0A on TiO2 (001)
88 4.3. Summary 91 4.4. References 91Chapter 5. Surface-Induced Ordering of a Rhenium Bipyridyl CO2-Reduction Catalyst on Rutile TiO2 Surfaces
97 5.1. Introduction 97 5.2. Results and Discussion 995.2.1. VSFGS Spectra of ReC0A on TiO2 (001) and (110)
995.2.2. Azimuthal Angular Dependence of the VSFGS Spectra
1035.2.3. Orientation Analysis Based on Azimuthal Angular Dependence of the VSFGS Spectra
1055.2.3.1. Theoretical Considerations
1055.2.3.2. Fitted Azimuthal Dependence for ReC0A on TiO2 (001) and (110)
106 5.3. Summary 108 5.4. References 109Chapter 6. Orientation of a Series of Rhenium Bipyridyl CO2-Reduction Catalysts on Single Crystalline TiO2 (001) using Phase-Sensitive Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy (PS-VSFGS)
113 6.1. Introduction 113 6.2. Results and Discussion 116 6.2.1. VSFGS Spectra of ReC0A and ReC1A on TiO2 (001) 1166.2.2. Theoretical Description of Phase-Sensitive Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy (PS-VSFGS)
1196.2.3. Raw Phase-Sensitive Vibrational Sum Frequency Spectra of ReC0A/TiO2 (001) and Au and Detailed Signal Processing Methods
1226.2.4. Processed Phase-Sensitive Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation Spectra of ReCnA (n = 0 - 4) on TiO2 (001)
1276.2.5. Theoretical Analysis of the PS-VSFGS Spectra of ReCnA (n = 0 - 4) on TiO2 (001)
1316.2.5.1. Determining Molecular Orientation from PS-VSFGS Spectra
1316.2.5.2. Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations of ReCnA on TiO2 (001)
1386.2.5.3. Comparison with Previous Results
140 6.3. Summary 142 6.4. References 143Chapter 7. Vibrational Relaxation of a Rhenium CO2-Reduction Catalyst on Semiconductor and Metal Surfaces
147 7.1. Introduction 1477.2. Theory of Time-Resolved Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy
151 7.3. Results and Discussion 155 7.3.1 ReC0A on TiO2 (110) 155 Static VSFGS Spectra of ReC0A on TiO2 (110) 1557.3.1.2. Time-resolved VSFGS Spectra of ReC0A on TiO2 (110)
157 7.3.2. ReC0-Au 163 Static VSFGS Spectra of ReC0-Au 163 Time-resolved VSFGS Spectra of ReC0-Au 1687.3.3. Transient IR-Pump IR-Probe Spectra of ReC0A in DMF
1737.3.4. Comparison of All Three Systems
176 7.4 Summary 180 7.5. References 181About this Dissertation
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