Functional Characterization of Anoctamins, a Novel Family of Transmembrane Proteins Open Access
Duran, Charity Grace (2012)
The vital roles of Ca2+-activated chloride channels (CaCCs) in various physiological processes are well documented, yet there has been considerable confusion regarding the molecular identity of "classical" outwardly rectifying CaCCs. When I began my thesis work, bestrophins represented the most promising molecular candidates for mediating these currents. However, the discovery of anoctamins (Anos) as CaCCs in 2008 necessitated reassessment of the relative contribution of bestrophins and anoctamins to native CaCC currents. The goal of this work was to examine the structure, function, and localization of anoctamins, and their relative contribution to endogenous CaCCs. Using a multi-disciplinary approach, this work shows that Ano1 and Ano2 function as plasma membrane CaCCs, while Anos 3-7 likely have intracellular roles. Although the channel function of intracellular anoctamins is unknown, the findings presented in this dissertation lay the groundwork for future studies examining the channel function of other anoctamins by identifying highly conserved residues within Ano1 critical for its channel function. Specifically, we have identified residues near the sixth transmembrane domain that are critical for Ca2+ and voltage sensitivity of Ano1. This work also sheds light on the context dependent function of CaCCs and the discrete physiological roles of Ano1 and Best1 by examining endogenous CaCCs in Drosophila S2 cells and mouse retinal pigment epithelium. These findings reveal that S2 cell CaCCs are primarily mediated by Best1, and are activated via a Ca2+/calmodulin dependent kinase II dependent mechanism. In contrast, Ano1 represents the most likely candidate for CaCCs in mouse retinal pigment epithelium. In summation, the work presented here furthers our understanding of the functions of anoctamins and their roles in physiology and disease.
Functional Characterization of Anoctamins, a Novel Family
Transmembrane Proteins
B.S., Meredith College 2006
Advisor: Criss Hartzell, Ph.D
A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of the
James T. Laney School of Graduate Studies of Emory University
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy
Graduate Division of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1: Introduction and Background
Ion transport in biological membranes
Early advances in ion channel research
Ion channels are selective and open in response to specific
Chloride channel
Cl- channels have important physiological functions
The molecular identity of some Cl- channels is uncertain
Cl- channels exhibit low selectivity among anions
Cl- channels exhibit a complex gating scheme
The discovery of anoctamins provides new directions in Cl- channel
Ca2+-activate Cl- channels: channels with diverse
Bestrophins are bona fide CaCCs
Regulation of Best1 by Ca2+
Best1 functions as a CaCC in specific cell types
Best vitelliform macular dystrophy
BVMD: unsanswered questions
Anoctamins mediate "classical"
Anoctamins 1 and 2 are CaCCs
Anoctamin structure function
Alternative splicing may contribute to heterogeneity of native
Gating mechanisms of Ano1
Physiolgoical roles and diseases of
Physiological functions of Ano1 and Ano2
Some anoctamins may function as intracellular channels
Diseases associated with anoctamin mutations
The Cl- channel function of Anos 3-10 is unknown
Rationale and
CHAPTER 2: Anoctamins 3-7 are Intracellular Proteins
Expression of Anos3-7 do not generate Ca2+-activated Cl- currents
in HEK293
Plasma membrane trafficking of Anos in various cell lines
Subcellular localization of anoctamins
Localization of endogenous Ano7 in prostate
Sequence homology across Anos
Chimeras between Ano1 and Ano5 or Ano7 do not generate
Ca2+-activated Cl-
Anoctamin family homology
Ano5 and Ano7 may have significant structural and functional
differences from
Are Ano5 and Ano7 CaCCs?
Materials and
CHAPTER 3: Epitope Accessibility and Mutagenesis Studies
Implicate the
Sixth Transmembrane Domain and Adjacent Residues in Regulation
Anoctamin 1 by Ca2+ and Voltage
Determinants of anion:cation permeability of Ano1
E702 and E705 contribute to Ca2+ gating
Mutations within TM6 affect channel gating by voltage
Ca2+-dependent gating of Ano1
E702 and E705 are critical for Ca2+-regulation of Ano1
The role of TM6 in voltage sensitivity of Ano1
Revised topology places Ca2+ and voltage sensors near pore
Ano1 may have a complex transmembrane topology
Determinants of Ano1 Cl- selectivity are still unknown
Materials and
CHAPTER 4: Drosophila Bestrophin-1 Currents are
Regulated by
Phosphorylation via a CaMKII Dependent Mechanism
Drosophila anoctamin orthologs do not contribute to S2 cell
CaCC current
dBest1 currents are regulated by phosphorylation
Regulation of dBest currents by phosphorylation is
Drosophila anoctamins do not mediate S2 cell CaCCs
dBest1 currents are regulated via a CaMKII dependent
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Functional Characterization of Anoctamins, a Novel Family of Transmembrane Proteins () | 2018-08-28 10:53:51 -0400 |
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