'I Fell between the Cracks:' A Qualitative Analysis of the Factors that Influence Mammography Use among Low-Income and Uninsured/Underinsured Women 公开
Earon, Allison (2011)
Background: Breast cancer is a leading cause of cancer
death among women in the United
States. Prevention strategies for breast cancer typically focus on
early detection and initiation
of treatment through routine mammography screening. Despite the
availability of free breast
cancer screening services, mammography rates among low-income
uninsured/underinsured women remain substantially lower than that
of the general
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to explore the
factors that influence the
mammography use of low-income and uninsured/underinsured women. In
particular, the
reasons that women do or do not receive routine screening
mammography are of interest.
Methods: The data consisted of 21 interviews with African
American and Caucasian
women who had a breast cancer diagnosis and were currently enrolled
in the Georgia
Women's Health Medicaid Program. The transcripts were coded using
MAXqda 10 software,
and the data were analyzed qualitatively using a deductive
approach. Descriptive analyses
were compiled for 1) the factors that influenced mammography use
among women who
received routine mammography, and 2) the factors that influenced
mammography use among
women who did not receive routine mammography.
Results: Two main behavioral patterns of mammography use were
identified: 1) women
who were receiving routine mammography screening, and 2) women who
were not receiving
routine mammography screening. For both these groups, the influence
of a healthcare
provider was a main influential factor of their mammography use.
Healthcare insurance
status appeared to only affect receiving mammograms for the women
who were not routinely
screened. Additionally, knowledge about breast cancer either
motivated women to seek
mammograms or caused delays in receiving mammograms for these
Discussion: The recommendation for mammography by a healthcare
provider was one of the
most influential factors observed in women's mammography use
behavior. There is an
apparent need for all healthcare providers to be aware of the
available free breast cancer
screening services. All women at risk for breast cancer should also
be educated about the
importance of self breast exams and having abnormal breast changes
examined by a
healthcare provider.
Table of Contents
A. Background/Problem Statement
B. Purpose Statement1
C. Specific Aims
D. Study Significance
Literature Review
A. Breast Cancer: Facts and Statistics
B. The Issue of Race
C. Income Level and Insurance Status
D. Available Free Screening Services
A. Study Design
B. Study Population and Recruitment
C. Data Analysis
A. Women Who Received Routine Mammograms
Influence of a Healthcare Provider
Influence of a Previous Medical Condition
Knowledge of Cancer
Absence of Delays in Receiving Mammograms
B. Women Who Did Not Receive Routine Mammograms
Influence of a Healthcare Provider
Influence of Health Insurance
Knowledge about Cancer
Delays in Receiving Mammograms
A. Implications for
B. Recommendations
C. Study Limitations and Strengths
About this Master's Thesis
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'I Fell between the Cracks:' A Qualitative Analysis of the Factors that Influence Mammography Use among Low-Income and Uninsured/Underinsured Women () | 2018-08-28 10:24:41 -0400 |
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