A Comprehensive Literature Review of the Relationship between Distrust in the United States Health Care System and Organ Donation among African Americans Öffentlichkeit
Miller, Trish (2017)
A Comprehensive Literature Review of the Relationship between
African American Distrust in the United States Health Care System
and Organ Donation
By Trish P. Miller, MBA
African Americans are in need of life saving organ transplantation
due to overrepresentation among End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)
patients, however African Americans do not donate organs on par
with need. Distrust in the health care system is acknowledged as a
significant barrier to African Americans' lack of committment to
organ donation. Using the Conceptual Model of Distrust in Health
Care, this comprehensive literature review will study the pathways
between health care distrust and organ donation among African
Americans to better understand how this barrier affects the
decision to donate.
Three databases were searched using a keyword search yielding 218
publications. Once duplicates were removed, 43 publications were
screened for inclusion. Twenty-four publications were excluded
after first stage screening, and an additional five were excluded
after second stage screening, resulting in 14 publications for
review. Each was categorized into three types of health care
distrust based on the Conceptual Model of Health Care Distrust:
distrust of health care systems, distrust of medical professionals,
and distrust of the organ allocation system, and analyzed to see
how they may influence organ donation behaviors among African
Fourteen publications of empirical studies that focused on the
relationship between health care distrust and the decision to
donate among African Americans in the United States were reviewed
and analyzed. The outcomes focused on cadaveric organ donation
intentions, donation attitudes, and/or willingness to donate; with
one publication focusing on cadaveric brain donation intentions.
Results indicate that with three exceptions, all 14 studies found
that the three types of distrust were associated with organ
donation behavior. The exceptions are studies that found no
association between distrust of the health care system and organ
donation: Russell et al. (2012); Robinson et al. (2015), and
Jefferson et al. (2011).
The literature suggests a consistent association between distrust
in the health care system as a whole and the decision to donate
organs among African Americans. Programs and interventions should
focus on methods to improve health care trust to improve African
Americans' willingness to donate organs to increase the donor pool
and improve access to transplants for those in need.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter One - Introduction 1
Chronic Kidney Disease in the United States 1
Chronic Kidney Disease and the Treatment of End Stage Renal Disease
Need for Organ Donation 2
Organ Donor Need among African Americans 3
Barriers to Organ Donation among African Americans 4
Theoretical framework 6
Research Aims 7
Chapter Two - Literature Review 8
African American Distrust in the United States Health Care System
Medical Experimentation on African Americans 10
African American Decisions to Donate Organs 12
Chapter Three - Methods 14
Research Design 14
Target Population 15
Procedures 15
Chapter Four - Results 19
Distrust of the Health Care System 20
Distrust of Medical Professionals 22
Distrust of the Organ Allocation System 23
Chapter Five - Discussion 24
Summary of Study 24
Limitations 25
Implications 25
Recommendations for Future Research and Conclusion 26
References 27
Appendix 32
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A Comprehensive Literature Review of the Relationship between Distrust in the United States Health Care System and Organ Donation among African Americans () | 2018-08-28 16:27:33 -0400 |
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