A Tobacco and Alcohol Prevention Curriculum Targeted Towards Immigrant Adolescents in Israeli Youth Villages Open Access

Green, Dylan Justin (2011)

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A Tobacco and Alcohol Prevention Curriculum Targeted Towards
Immigrant Adolescents in Israeli Youth Villages
By Dylan Green
Background: Over the past 3 decades Israel has experienced a large influx of
immigrants from the former Soviet Republics and Ethiopia. These immigrants have
presented health needs and behaviors differing from those prevalent among Israeli
nationals prior. In an effort to improve immigrant integration, adolescent immigrants
are often placed in boarding schools called youth villages that cater to language needs
and assist in cultural integration.
Objective: To identify gaps in health knowledge and behavior and develop a curriculum
to address those gaps and assist in alleviating health disparities related to tobacco and
alcohol use among immigrants.
Significance: The introduction of a curriculum tailored to the population and prevalent
modifiable risk factors would assist in reducing health disparities related to tobacco and
alcohol use faced by adolescents in Youth Villages.
Methods: The project is set in a youth village in northern Israel called Yemin Orde.
Informal open-ended interviews were performed with staff and educators in an effort to
identify the health needs of the students and the health services which already exist for
them. Tobacco and alcohol use were identified as significant health concerns through the
interviews and the school administration determined a curriculum should be created to
address the issue. Inputs from the interviews as well as a literature review on modifiable
risk factors of adolescent tobacco and alcohol use were utilized to develop the
Results: A grade and culture appropriate curriculum, learning materials, and
evaluation plan were developed to be used in informal afterschool small group sessions.
Information from the interviews as well as a literature review was integrated into lesson
plans in an effort to respond to the needs of the students appropriately and effectively.
Discussion: Further plans to adapt and expand the use of the curriculum to other
youth villages are intended upon testing and evaluating initial use of the curriculum.
Additional institutional recommendations are made regarding changes to policies, family
outreach efforts, and the socio-environmental setting.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Introduction 1
Introduction and Rationale 1
Problem Statement 2
Purpose Statement 3
Objectives 3
Significance 4
Definition of Terms 5
Chapter 2. Literature Review 6
Alcohol Use in Israel 6
Tobacco Use in Israel 11
Predictors and Motives of Adolescent Alcohol Use 15
Predictors of Adolescent Tobacco Use 17
Summary and Relevance 20
Chapter 3. Methods 21
Needs Assessment 21
Curriculum Development 22
Chapter 4. Discussion & Recommendations 26
Introduction 26
Public Health Implications 26
Recommendations 28
Conclusions 30
Bibliography 32
Appendix A: 9th Year Curriculum 35
Session 1: Tobacco and Alcohol Health 101 37
Session 2: Under Pressure 47
Session 3: Saying No 54
Handouts 60
Appendix B: 10th and 11th Year Curriculum 71
Session 1: Tobacco and Alcohol Health 101 73
Session 2: Costs and (Dis)Benefits 83
Session 3: Appreciative Inquiry 87
Handouts 92
Appendix C: 12th Year Curriculum 104
Session 1: Tobacco and Alcohol Health 101 106
Session 2: Code Exercise 115
Session 3: Pressure and Stress after Yemin Orde 120
Handouts 124
Appendix D: Impact Evaluation Quiz 134
Appendix E: Evaluation Plan 135
Project Timeline 135
Explanation of Evaluation Principles 136

About this Master's Thesis

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  • English
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