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Disparities in Breast Cancer Mortality: Examining the Influence of Area-Level Socioeconomic Conditions and the Role of Individual-Level Socioeconomic Factors in Shaping Estimates
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The Role of Food Environments and Food Security on Healthy Eating
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The Mistreatment of Latina Women During Breastfeeding Care: A Qualitative Analysis
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The Role of Social Support as a Buffer Against Adverse Perinatal Outcomes Among People Experiencing Neighborhood Deprivation and Discrimination
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Trauma-Informed Care Training in Ryan White HIV Clinics: Is the Content Relevant to Clinics in the Southeastern US?
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Understanding Barriers To Medication Adherence In The Greater Atlanta Area
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Impact of SGLT2 Inhibitors Studies on Elder Diabetes Patients with Cardiovascular Complications: A Descriptive Review from Large Randomized Trials
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Impact of State Vaccine Mandates on Vaccination Coverage Rates During the COVID-19 Pandemic, September 2021 to September 2022
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Addressing Disparities in Maternal Health: An Analysis of Prenatal Service Receipt and its Impact on Fetal Deaths and Low Birth Weight in Georgia's Perinatal Regions
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Trends in Hospitalizations related to Aspergillosis and Mucormycosis in the United States, 2016 - 2021
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COVID-19 Diagnoses and Hospitalizations Among Insured Transgender and Gender-Diverse People
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A County-Level/Ecological Approach to Analyzing the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Fatal Motor Vehicle Crashes’ Socioeconomic Predictors in Georgia
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Evaluating the influence of an improved piped water network on water quality and gut microbiome composition among children in Beira, Mozambique
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Multilevel Barriers and Facilitators to Addressing Disparities in Perinatal Mental Health
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People, Spaces, and Places: A Sociospatial Analysis of the Opioid Overdose Risk Environment
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Nurturing care and child linear growth in relation to cognitive development and academic achievement in the first 10 years of life: prospective cohort study in Vietnam
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Mental health promotion and substance misuse prevention among adolescents living on or near the Cherokee Nation Reservation: Investigation of protective factors
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Exploring Maternal and Child Health: Impacts of Prenatal Environmental Exposures and Nutritional Interventions in India and Guatemala
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The Impact of Air Pollution and Long-term Hydroxyurea Use on Health Outcomes in Children with Sickle Cell Disease
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A four-year mixed family- and community-based growth moni-toring and promotion program for children with undernutrition up to five years in Cambodia.
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Nutritional Status of Migrant Farmworker Children: An Analysis of Overweight, Obesity and Anemia Prevalence
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Epigenetic Association with Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) among HIV-infected Individuals
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“WhatsApp me!” Conversational Interfaces as Digital Tools for Global Health – A Perspective on Design and Data in Portuguese-Speaking Countries
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Clinical markers of severe TB disease in the United States before and after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, 2010–2020
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Grady FVRx program impact on dietary practices and food security: A pre-post evaluation
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Sugar Consumption and Obesity in Latino Children and Adolescents: Assessing the Risk and Contextualizing Dietary Interventions Across the Socioecological Framework
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Sweet vs Unsweet Milk: An In-Depth Study of Infant and Young Child Feeding Knowledge Attitudes and Practices amongst Gambian Mothers
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Telehealth and Transportation Among African Americans with HIV During the COVID-19 Pandemic
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Characterizing Healthcare Professionals Practices, Facilitators, and Barriers in Delivering Preconception Counseling: Perceived Impact on Prevention and Improvement of Outcomes for Birthing People Living with HIV
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A comparison of Online, In-Person Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Programs, and First-Line Medication (Escitalopram) Therapy and their impact on Sleep Quality among persons with Anxiety
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CoVIP Program Evaluation: Technical Assistance Outcomes and Challenges
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Association between Gensini Score and Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events in Patients Undergoing Left Heart Catheterization: A Single Center Experience
32 of 100
Qualitative Needs Assessment for a Reproductive Health Educational Workshop for Refugee Women and Girls’ Health: Special Studies Project
33 of 100
Examining the Impact of Collegiate Setting Type on Student Utilization of STI and Reproductive Health Services: A Cross-Sectional Secondary Analysis of ACHA – National College Health Assessment III Data
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Impact of Cannabis Legalization on Substance Use Disorders in the United States
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Patient Reminders and Self-referrals Via Online Patient Portals and Text Messaging (PReVenT) to Improve Adherence to Breast Cancer Screening – A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial
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Perceptions of Health among Latinx and Mexican Young Children in San Luis Potosí, Mexico and Illinois, United States: A Qualitative Study
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Trends and Disparities in HPV Vaccine Coverage Among US Adolescents from 2010 to 2019
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Preferences and Acceptability related to Self-Administered STI Testing Among Clients at Chicago Department of Public Health STI Specialty Clinics
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Socioeconomic factors associated with medication non-use among people with hypertension and diabetes in Jamaica.
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Birth Cohort Patterns in Liver Cancer Incidence in the United States: An Age-Period-Cohort Analysis
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Personal exposure to air pollution and early child development: Analyses from the Household Air Pollution Intervention Network
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Transmission Ecology and Zoonotic Potential of the Emerging Tick-borne Heartland virus in Georgia
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Sepsis Bundle Compliance and Sepsis-Related Mortality in People Living With HIV
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Understanding the Intersecting Impact of Stigma, Mental Health Disorders and Poverty on PrEP Use and HIV Incidence Among Cis-Gender Men Who Have Sex with Men in the United States
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Health insurance and cancer care in the era of effective high-cost new treatments: what are the effects of policy interventions?
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TB sensitization measured by interferon gamma and non-interferon gamma cytokines among South African Infants
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Association of Insurance Status and Hospital Admission and Mortality in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
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The Social Networks of Adolescents with Chronic Illness: An Exploration of Social Support During Hospitalization
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Changes in Exchange Sex During the COVID-19 Pandemic Among Men Who Have Sex with Men in the United States
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Assessing the Association between Depression and End Stage Kidney Disease for African American patients on dialysis.
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An Analysis of the Mental Health Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Vulernable Populations in Jamaica
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A Qualitative Analysis Exploring the Risk of Gender Based Violence Against Syrian Refugee Women in Jordan
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HIV Prevention Service Delivery and PrEP in Urban Thai MSM/Transgender Women in Bangkok
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Speaking Truth to Power: How Black Twitter Subscribers Discuss Mental and Emotional Wellbeing in Relation to Drug Use, Death, and Everyday Life
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Using natural language processing to detect stigmatizing provider language and evaluate associations with opioid analgesic pain management outcomes
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Nutrition in Adolescence: Dietary Intake and Micronutrient Status from Diverse Geographical Settings and Food Environments
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Lost Lives and Malnutrition: Examining the Contribution of Anthropometric Malnutrition and Vitamin A Deficiency on Under-5-Mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia
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An Evaluation of the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008’s Mental Health Parity Provision Among Medicare Beneficiaries with Depression
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Integrative Perspectives on Environmental Determinants of Infectious Disease Across Scales: Patterns of Multidimensional Environmental Deprivations in Sub-Saharan Africa and Spatial Patterns of Malaria–Schistosomiasis Serology in Ifanadiana, Madagascar
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SARS-CoV-2 transmission and control: from understanding social contact and mobility to formulating effective vaccine policy
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HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Access and Preference among Men who have Sex with Men in China
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Utilizing Creative Arts for HIV Treatment and Prevention Among Black Queer Youth: A Scoping Review
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Association between Age and HIV seroconversion in Female Sex Workers and Single Mothers in Zambia
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The Role of Sleep Irregularity in Racial Disparities in Hypertension: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA)
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The Impact of Engagement with Healthcare Services on Awareness Among Women in Zimbabwe, 2020
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Strengthening Emory University’s Office of Respect’s Efforts for Providing Well-Being Resources to Sexual Assault Survivor Students on Campus
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Assessing the validity of school-attending children as predictors of community onchocerciasis prevalence in Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, and Malawi
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Exploring Immigrant Disparities: The Influence of Immigrant Status on COVID-19 Vaccination in the United States
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Association of Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors with Preclinical Biomarkers of Alzheimer's Disease in the Emory Healthy Brain Study Cohort
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Spatial Distribution of Mycobacterium leprae Infection and Association with Unsafe Water and Sanitation in Eastern Minas Gerais, Brazil
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A Qualitative Exploration of “Well-Being” among Black Atlanta Residents: Developing and Increasing Access to Community-Based Initiatives
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Exploring the Impact of Time Spent Trying to Conceive Among Black Women: Insights into the Superwoman Schema
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Understanding the influence of social context on care priorities among Black dementia patients and their caregivers
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“It is not that we lack ambition, but we do not have the necessary resources to start”: Assessing the Factors that Influence Women’s Economic Empowerment in the El Paraíso Department, Honduras
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Assessing the Impact of Health Facility-Based Maternal Delivery Care on Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes in Kenya: A Multi-Factor Analysis Approach
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Assessing the Impact of the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid Expansion on SIDS Rates, 2011-2021
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Understanding Hispanic and Latino Perceptions on Ancestry-Targeted Inherited Cancer Screening in Georgia via Democratic Deliberation
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The Prevalence of Multimorbidity Among Adults Aged 65 Years and Older in the United States, Differences by Race/Ethnicity
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Exploring Homeopathic Remedy Use Among South Asian Americans: Associations with Sociodemographic, Acculturative, and Health Measures
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Association Between Socioeconomic Status and Epigenetic Aging in U.S. Hispanics/Latinos: Results from the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL)
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Examining the Association Between Midlife Obesity and Cognitive Impairment in a Longitudinal Population-Based Cohort
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Classroom to Clinic: An investigation of experiences of social support in high school and health risk behavior among transgender young adults living in the Southern U.S.
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Preventive Dental Care Utilization and Infective Endocarditis Among MEDICAID Beneficiaries with Congenital Heart Defects in Georgia, 2008-2019
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Differences in invasive group A Streptococcus infection (iGAS) outcomes between people experiencing homelessness (PEH) and those not experiencing homelessness in the United States from 2016-2021
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Exploring the Role of Everyday Discrimination, Acculturative Stress, and Socio-Demographic Factors on Outcomes of Perceived Stress Among South Asians Living in the Greater Atlanta Metropolitan Area
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Sociodemographic, Economic, and Household Characteristics and Access to Healthcare for Pregnant Women and Children Under Five During COVID-19 in Karemo and Manyatta, Kenya
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Impact of Decolonizing Health Governance in Uganda and Manitoba (Canada): A two study review
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Exploring the Relationship Between Avoidance Coping and Marijuana Use Among Pregnant Black Women
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An Investigation into The Epidemiologic Landscape of Drug Overdose Mortality, Georgia, 2000 to 2020
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Navigating De-Implementation: Understanding the Impacts, Challenges, and Opportunities of Agencies Implementing Cooking Matters for Kids and Teens
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Cross-sectional Analysis of Association between Sleep and Mental Health among Cancer Survivors
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Health Outcomes of the ‘Public Charge’ Rule for U.S. Latinx Children and Adults: A Systematic Review
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The Effectiveness of Micronutrient Supplementation in the Management of Diabetes among US Adults receiving dietary treatment
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"The stigma and the negativity surrounding it, it doesn't do us any good”: An Exploration of Intersectional Abortion Stigma in Georgia
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Longitudinal trends in glycated hemoglobin among individuals with latent TB infection in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
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Racial disparities in the association between childhood and adult life stress and adverse cardiovascular outcomes among patients with a history of myocardial infarction in Georgia, USA
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Exploring Barriers and Facilitators to Engagement in a Culturally Adapted, Trauma-Informed Mental Health Intervention Among Black/African American Youth in metro Atlanta
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Designing a Social and Behavior Change Communication Strategy for CROPS: a WASH and Homestead Food Production Intervention in Odisha, India
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