Variables,Description,Source,Boolean Search Terms Used year,year,CQ Press Voting and Election Data, state,state,CQ Press Voting and Election Data, stabb,state abbreviation,CQ Press Voting and Election Data, stfips,"FIPS state code: numeric and two-letter alphabetic codes defined in U.S. Federal Information Processing Standard Publication (""FIPS PUB"") 5-2 to identify U.S. states and certain other associated areas",CQ Press Voting and Election Data, stfipsS,FIPS state code: with 0 in front of one digit terms,CQ Press Voting and Election Data, raceYear,"election year, month, day",CQ Press Voting and Election Data, RepVotes,number of votes for republican candidate,CQ Press Voting and Election Data, RepCandidate,"republican candidate lastname, firstname",CQ Press Voting and Election Data, RepStatus,republican candidate challenger or incumbent,CQ Press Voting and Election Data, DemVotes,number of votes for democratic candidate,CQ Press Voting and Election Data, DemCandidate,"democratic candidate lastname, firstname",CQ Press Voting and Election Data, DemStatus,democratic candidate challenger or incumbent,CQ Press Voting and Election Data, PluralityVotes,number of votes the winning candidate won by,CQ Press Voting and Election Data, PluralityParty,winning party,CQ Press Voting and Election Data, RepVotesMajorPercent,republican percentage of vote,Calculated from CQ Press Voting and Election Data, DemVotesMajorPercent,democratic percentage of vote,Calculated from CQ Press Voting and Election Data, RepFNAME,first name republican candidate,CQ Press Voting and Election Data, RepFEM,"republican candidate female dummy variable (0=not female, 1=female)",Gender assigned manually, RepMAL,"republican candidate male dummy variable (0=not male, 1=male)",Gender assigned manually, DemFNAME,first name democratic candidate,CQ Press Voting and Election Data, DemFEM,"democratic candidate female dummy variable (0=not female, 1=female)",Gender assigned manually, DemMAL,"democratic candidate male dummy variable (0=not male, 1=male)",Gender assigned manually, femincum,female incumbent dummy,Created variable, theil_index,"State income inequality measured by Theil Index (statistic primarily used to measure economic inequality and other economic phenomena, though it has also been used to measure racial segregation.)",Correlates of State Policy, Ainciinc,"State and local individual income tax revenues, as a percentage of personal income",Correlates of State Policy, housing_prices_quar,Quarterly housing price index,Correlates of State Policy, adebtpi,"Debt, % of income",Correlates of State Policy, hincomemed,median household income,Correlates of State Policy, gini_coef,gini coefficient: a measure of statistical dispersion intended to represent the income or wealth distribution of a nation's residents,Correlates of State Policy, hsdiploma,"Raw percent; measures percent of population that has a high school diploma or higher(National Center for Education Statistics, State Comparisons of Education Statistics). This is a cross sectional variable reflecting the 1990 decennial census",Correlates of State Policy, CI,"PHL coincident index: an index that combines four state level variables--nonfarm payroll employment, average hours worked in manufacturing by production workers, the unemployment rate, and wage and salary disbursements deflated by the consumer price index (U.S. city average)-- into one indicator",Federal Reserve Bank of Philedelphia, compete,Competitiveness Index,The National Institute for Money in Politics, gendermood,MRP estimate of gender equality mood,Koch and Thomsen SPQQ Replication Data, conf_int,confidence intervals for gender equality mood,Koch and Thomsen SPQQ Replication Data, traditionalistic,Elazar’s (1972) measure of traditionalistic political culture (by state),Koch and Thomsen SPQQ Replication Data, moralistic,Elazar’s (1972) measure of moralisticpolitical culture (by state),Koch and Thomsen SPQQ Replication Data, avg_gendermood,"average of gender equality mood, by state",Koch and Thomsen SPQQ Replication Data, gendermood_year,"average of gender equality mood, by year",Koch and Thomsen SPQQ Replication Data, gendermood_I,MRP estimate of gender equality mood (interpolated),Koch and Thomsen SPQQ Replication Data, conf_int_I,confidence intervals for gender equality mood (interpolated),Koch and Thomsen SPQQ Replication Data, traditionalistic_I,Elazar’s (1972) measure of traditionalistic political culture (by state) (interpolated),Koch and Thomsen SPQQ Replication Data, moralistic_I,Elazar’s (1972) measure of moralisticpolitical culture (by state) (interpolated),Koch and Thomsen SPQQ Replication Data, avg_gendermood_I,"average of gender equality mood, by state (interpolated)",Koch and Thomsen SPQQ Replication Data, gendermood_year_I,"average of gender equality mood, by year (interpolated)",Koch and Thomsen SPQQ Replication Data, Qtot,quantity of newspaper coverage of election by the most widely distributed newspaper in the state ,Manually Collected from Access World News,"[Governor OR Gubernatorial OR Governorship) AND [(""RepFullName"" OR ""RepLastName"") AND (""DemFullName"" OR ""DemLastName"")]" QRp,quantity of newspaper coverage of only republican candidate by the most widely distributed newspaper in the state ,Manually Collected from Access World News,"[Governor OR Gubernatorial OR Governorship) AND [(""RepFullName"" OR ""RepLastName"") NOT (""DemFullName"" OR ""DemLastName"")]" Qdem,quantity of newspaper coverage of only democratic candidate by the most widely distributed newspaper in the state ,Manually Collected from Access World News,"[Governor OR Gubernatorial OR Governorship) AND (""DemFullName"" OR ""DemLastName"") NOT [(""RepFullName"" OR ""RepLastName"")]"