Self-reported vs. Device Measured Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior Open Access
Lagarde, Kristy (2017)
Background: Accurate measurement of physical activity and sedentary behavior is difficult, and factors relating to agreement between self-report and objective measures are not well understood. This study assessed agreement between self-reported and accelerometer measured physical activity and sedentary behavior over a seven-day period to identify predictors of accurate self-report.
Methods: Self-reported and accelerometer (Actigraph GT3X) measured physical activity was recorded over seven days between 2015 and 2016 among 751 participants of the Cancer Prevention Study (CPS)-3 Activity Validation study from the CPS-3 cohort. Agreement for sedentary behavior, and light, moderate and vigorous intensity physical activity was calculated for each measurement separately as the difference in minutes per day reported in the diary vs. recorded on the Actigraph device. Demographic and lifestyle factors were investigated as predictors of accurate reporting using a multivariable marginal mixed linear model.
Results: Sedentary behavior and moderate intensity physical activity were under reported by the diary compared to the device, while light intensity and vigorous intensity physical activity were over reported by the diary compared to the device. Region and total annual moderate and vigorous physical activity (MVPA) were significant predictors of accurate reporting of sedentary behavior. Region and body mass index (BMI) were significant predictors of accurate reporting of light intensity behavior. Sex, race, and education were significant predictors of accurate reporting of moderate intensity physical activity. Total annual MVPA was a significant predictor of accurate reporting of vigorous intensity physical activity.
Conclusion: No major differences existed between sex, race or age for agreement in reporting of sedentary behavior, light, and vigorous intensity physical activity. Level of physical activity completed is an important factor in accurate reporting of both sedentary behavior and vigorous intensity physical activity. Region should be considered in evaluating the agreement of sedentary behavior and light intensity physical activity. Education is also an important factor in accurate reporting of moderate intensity physical activity.
Table of Contents
Background 1
Methods 7
Results 13
Discussion 20
Conclusions 23
Future Directions 24
References 26
Table 1 28
Table 2 29
Table 3 30
Table 4 31
Table 5 32
Table 6 33
Table 7 34
Table 8 35
Table 9 36
Supplementary Table 1 37
Supplementary Table 2 38
Figure 1 39
Figure 2 39
Figure 3 40
Figure 4 40
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Self-reported vs. Device Measured Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior () | 2018-08-28 16:17:53 -0400 |
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