Mental Health Disorders and Risk of Hospitalizations and Emergency Department Utilization Among Individuals With Congenital Heart Defects Open Access

Chen, Joy (Spring 2022)

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Background: Congenital heart defects (CHD) occur in approximately 1% of live U.S. births and are comprised of a wide range of diagnoses ranging in severity and need for intervention. Mental health disorders (MHD) contribute significantly to the global burden of disease. Approximately one-third of adults with CHD in the U.S. are reported to have a mood or anxiety disorder. Concurrent MHD with CHD has been linked to poorer physical health, lower quality of life, and increased hospitalizations.

Methods: This is a retrospective cohort of patients aged 14 to 55 with CHD who were seen at Emory Healthcare and Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta between January 1, 2010 and December 31, 2019. Bivariate analysis and multivariate logistic regression models were created to evaluate the impacts of MHD and CHD on hospitalizations and emergency department (ED) visits. Demographic factors such as age, sex, race and ethnicity, insurance, and rurality were also included.

Results: Females with a MHD had higher odds for hospitalizations than males regardless of whether CHD was categorized using four anatomic groups (OR 4.63 95% CI [4.01-5.34] vs. 3.21 [2.72-3.79]) or collapsed into severe and non-severe (4.64 [4.02-5.35] vs. 3.22 [2.73-3.79]) or conotruncal and non-conotruncal (4.99 [3.78-6.62] vs. 3.39 [2.44-4.72]). Urban patients with a MHD had higher odds for an ED visit when categorized by 4 anatomic groups (2.78, [2.33-3.32]) or by severe and non-severe (2.85 [2.40-3.37]) while rural patients did not. Finally, among conotruncal patients, Hispanic patients with a MHD had higher odds for an ED visit (8.39 [2.14-37.56]) than non-Hispanic white (2.28 [1.43-3.63]) and non-Hispanic black patients (2.83 [1.69-4.68]).

Conclusions: In conclusion, MHD appears to have significant impacts on hospitalizations and ED visits. Various demographic and social factors such as sex, rurality, and race, also appear to have a role in this relationship. 

Table of Contents


Congenital Heart Defects (CHD)    1

Defect Classifications and Population-Based Surveillance Prevalence 1

Challenges in Care       3

Mental Health Disorders      4

Prevalence of Common Mental Health Disorders     4

Demographic and Socioeconomic Factors Impacting Mental Health   5

Age of Onset      7

Congenital Heart Defects and Mental Health Disorders    7

Depression and Anxiety       7

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)  10

Schizophrenia and other Psychotic Disorders 12


Hypothesis 14

Specific Aims      14

Study Design and Population 14

Data Management and IRB  15

Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria     15

Outcome Variables     16

Exposure Variables     16

Any Mental Health Disorder 16

Depressive Disorder    17

Anxiety Disorder 17

Bipolar Disorder 17

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)  18

Personality Disorder   18

Neurodevelopmental and Behavior Disorders 18

Psychotic Disorder and Schizophrenia   18

Covariates 19

CHD Severity      19

Conotruncal Defects   20

Age  20

Sex   20

Race and Ethnicity      20

Insurance Type  21

Rurality     21


Descriptive Statistics   23

Logistic Regression Models  27


Limitations 36




Figure 1: Analytic Dataset Construction 63

TABLES      64

Table 1. Descriptive Characteristics of Patients with Congenital Heart Defects (CHD) who have received care at Emory Healthcare and/or Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, 2010-2019  64

Table 2. Bivariate Analyses: Distribution of Covariate Percentages on Hospitalizations and Emergency Department (ED) Visits for Patients with Congenital Heart Defects (CHD) and Co-occurring Mental Health Disorders (MHD) who have received care at Emory Healthcare and/or Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta  65

Table 3. Unadjusted Analyses: Risk of Hospitalizations and Emergency Department (ED) Visits with Covariates for Patients with Congenital Heart Defects (CHD) and Co-occurring Mental Health Disorders (MHD) who have received care at Emory Healthcare and/or Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta,     66

Table 4a. Adjusted Analyses: Risk of Hospitalizations for Select Covariates for Patients with Congenital Heart Defects (CHD) and Co-Occurring Mental Health Disorders (MHD) who have received care at Emory Healthcare and/or Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta     67

Table 4b. Adjusted Analyses: Risk of Emergency Department (ED) Visits for Select Covariates for Patients with Congenital Heart Defects (CHD) and Co-Occurring Mental Health Disorders (MHD) who have received care at Emory Healthcare and/or Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta  67

Table 5a. Adjusted Analyses: Risk of Hospitalizations for Select Covariates for Patients with Severe vs. Non-Severe Congenital Heart Defects (CHD) and Co-Occurring Mental Health Disorders (MHD) who have received care at Emory Healthcare and/or Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta    68

Table 5b. Adjusted Analyses: Risk of Emergency Department (ED) Visits for Select Covariates for Patients with Severe vs. Non-Severe Congenital Heart Defects (CHD) and Co-Occurring Mental Health Disorders (MHD) who have received care at Emory Healthcare and/or Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta  68

Table 6a. Adjusted Analyses: Risk of Hospitalizations for Select Covariates for Patients with Conotruncal vs. Non-Conotruncal Congenital Heart Defects (CHD) and Co-Occurring Mental Health Disorders (MHD) who have received care at Emory Healthcare and/or Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta      69

Table 6b. Adjusted Analyses: Risk of Emergency Department (ED) Visits for Select Covariates for Patients with Conotruncal vs. Non-Conotruncal Congenital Heart Defects (CHD) and Co-Occurring Mental Health Disorders (MHD) who have received care at Emory Healthcare and/or Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta  69


APPENDIX A: CHD Severity Group Assignment        70

APPENDIX B: ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM Codes for Seven Mental Health Disorders        74

APPENDIX C: ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM Codes for Conotruncal Defects      80

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