Neural Network and Calculator for Predicting Breakthrough Febrile Urinary Tract Infections in Children with Primary Vesicoureteral Reflux Open Access
Chen, Jiaoan (Spring 2020)
Background: Factors that influence the decision to surgically correct VUR include risk of developing new renal parenchymal scarring, further risk of breakthrough fUTI, and the likelihood of spontaneous VUR resolution. Improved identification of children at risk for breakthrough fUTI could help make decisions regarding whether or not to surgically correct VUR. We constructed three models to predict breakthrough fUTI and evaluated the accuracy of these models.
Methods and Materials: Medical records of 384 children diagnosed with primary VUR in whom detailed voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG) and clinical data were documented between 1984 and 2010 were reviewed. The variables involved in our analyses included age, gender, percentage of PBC at VUR onset, VUR grade (0-2, 3, 4-5), laterality, history of BBD, number of UTIs prior to VUR diagnosis (≥2 vs. <2), history of fUTI, VUR onset (filling or voiding) and dilating VUR (0-2, 3-5). The data was randomized into a training set of 288 for model creation and a validation (testing) set of 96, following the 75/25-splitting rule. The data was modeled with logistic regression, neural network, and random forest. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) area was utilized to assess the performance of the model.
Results: A total of 384 patients with primary reflux were recruited in the study, with 64 male patients (16.67%) and 320 female patients (83.33%). The number of patients developing the outcome of breakthrough fUTI was 128 (33.33%). Gender, percentage of PBC at VUR onset, VUR grade, bilateral VUR, BBD, history of fUTI were significantly associated with breakthrough fUTI. The model that best fit the data and had the highest discrimination ability was a one-hidden node neural network model, with an AUC of 0.756.
Conclusion: Our neural network model, using multiple variables, predicts breakthrough fUTI on an individual basis with an AUC of 76%. Our prognostic calculator based on the neural network model will provide a useful tool for users to conveniently get a prediction and a probability of developing breakthrough fUTI. Such prognostic information can assist in clinical decision-making and provide useful information in reflux management.
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Neural Network and Calculator for Predicting Breakthrough Febrile Urinary Tract Infections in Children with Primary Vesicoureteral Reflux () | 2020-04-14 16:31:38 -0400 |
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