Body Mass Index and Survival: The Association Between Increased BMI and Kidney Transplant Survival Open Access
Senetar, Kristen (2017)
The need for kidney transplants is on the rise due to an increase in chronic health conditions that result in kidney failure. However, kidneys are a very scarce resource and transplants are costly. Therefore, factors associated with improved long-term transplant success must be identified and integrated into future transplant policy, including indicators for transplant priority. Body mass index (BMI) has been widely used as a determining factor for individuals being placed on the transplant list. However, the use of BMI is controversial because the current literature suggests conflicting relationship between an increased BMI value at time of transplant and decreased long-term survival. Thus, what is needed is a study that analyzes a large nationally representative database to help determine if higher BMI values at time of transplant significantly decrease long-term transplant success. Contrary to current clinical practice, it is hypothesized that an increased BMI at time of transplant will have no association with decreased long-term survival following a kidney transplant. Findings from this study will help influence future transplant policy by providing evidence for whether or not BMI should be a factor in kidney transplant decisions.
Table of Contents
Current Study.................................................................................1
Previous Studies..............................................................................2
Literature Review......................................................................................2
End Stage Renal Disease..................................................................2
Transplantation by the Numbers........................................................3
Transplant Care and Outcomes..........................................................4
Body Mass Index.............................................................................5
Current Literature............................................................................5
Construct Measurement...................................................................12
Research Design.............................................................................14
Data Analysis.................................................................................15
Conceptual Framework....................................................................16
Descriptive Statistics........................................................................18
Strengths and Limitations.................................................................26
Future Research..............................................................................27
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Body Mass Index and Survival: The Association Between Increased BMI and Kidney Transplant Survival () | 2018-08-28 16:02:01 -0400 |
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