Impacts Of COVID-19 On Food and Nutrition Security Among Front Line Food Industry Workers in Kenya and India and the Potential Role of Workforce Nutrition in Mitigating These Challenges: A Thematic Analysis Open Access
Carty, Chantal (Spring 2022)
Introduction: According to the 2020 Global Nutrition Report, 1 in 9 people globally are hungry or undernourished. Poor diets and resulting malnutrition are responsible for much of the world’s global burden of disease. Food security, therefore, is a necessary and critical element for good health in all populations. The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly disrupted food infrastructures globally. Collectively, these impacts have exacerbated nutrition-based diseases and poor health outcomes, primarily in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. In response, the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) issued an emergency grant program –Keeping Food Markets Working (KFMW), to food sector companies in its partner countries. This research examined the implementation process and outcomes of the grant program in order to compare and contrast the impacts of COVID-19 on the food systems in Kenya and India with a particular focus on the role of workplace-based interventions in addressing challenges to food and nutrition security
Methods: Semi-structured key informant interviews were conducted with GAIN country office personnel and company leadership from the grantee organizations. Structured beneficiary surveys were administered to employees within the organizations. Interviews were conducted virtually by the Emory University Research team and in country research partners. They were recorded, transcribed, and thematic analysis was conducted to identify patterns and themes across the data.
Results: COVID-19 had detrimental impacts on the Kenya and India’s food infrastructures and on the livelihoods of front-line food workers in the countries. Interview participants and survey respondents expressed overall satisfaction and gratitude for the KFMW grant. They found it helpful at temporarily alleviating food and nutrition insecurities caused by the pandemic. Companies also saw increases in workers’ motivation and productivity as a result of the grant. The most notable critique offered was that the grant period was too short to make a sustained impact.
Conclusions: The KFMW grant program was an overall success at supporting COVID-19 induced food and nutrition needs among food industry workers. The implementation of this grant by employers demonstrated the high potential and ability for workforce nutrition interventions to practically and effectively improve and protect the food and nutrition security of millions of workers worldwide.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
Introduction and Rationale 1
Problem statement 3
Research question 3
Purpose Statement 4
Significance Statement 4
Definition of terms 5
Chapter 2: Review of the Literature 7
COVID-19 Pandemic 7
COVID-19 Profile in Kenya and India 9
Food and Nutrition profiles in Kenya and India 14
Impact of COVID-19 on Food and nutrition in Kenya and India 21
Workforce Nutrition 25
Chapter 3: Methodology 37
Overview of Approach 37
KFMW Applications & Company selection 38
Research Partners 39
Qualitative Research: Key Informant Interviews 40
Data Collection 40
Beneficiary Surveys 42
Research Tools 42
Sampling & Data collection 43
Data Analysis 44
Thematic Analysis 44
Research Ethics 44
Chapter 4: Results 45
Company Perceived Impacts of COVID 45
Loss of Income and Livelihood 45
Food and Nutrition Security 47
Workforce Nutrition 49
Workforce Nutrition Pre-Pandemic 49
KFMW as Workforce Nutrition 52
Future Workforce Nutrition Programming 54
Impact of the KFMW Grant 55
Beneficiary Reception and Survey Results 55
Grant Duration 57
Impact on Companies/Workforce 58
Beneficiary Survey Tables 59
Chapter 5: Discussion 63
Limitations 72
Public Health Implications & Recommendations 74
References 76
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Impacts Of COVID-19 On Food and Nutrition Security Among Front Line Food Industry Workers in Kenya and India and the Potential Role of Workforce Nutrition in Mitigating These Challenges: A Thematic Analysis () | 2022-04-21 19:24:53 -0400 |
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