“Slowly by slowly makes the journeyâ€: Coming Out and Mental Health Amongst LGBTQ Rwandans Open Access
King, Adrian (2017)
Negative mental health outcomes among LGBTQ individuals remains a pressing issue with overall impacts on individual and community level health worldwide. Currently, there is a significant gap in research focusing on the mental health influences of the "Coming Out" process among LGBTQ individuals worldwide, but specifically in Kigali, Rwanda. This qualitative study utilizes in-depth interviews with "Out" LGBTQ Rwandans to understand the emic perspectives of participants and how the coming out process has affected their overall mental health. Analysis using grounded theory is utilized in developing the results of this study. The results of the study present evidence that there are various influences on mental health among this population with varying affects, both positive and negative, on mental health. Influences may provide insight into the causes of negative mental health outcomes among this population. Future outreach, advocacy, and health based programs and interventions should consider the coming out process and how it influences mental health among LGBTQ individuals in this population.
Table of Contents
Definition of Terms
Chapter 1: Introduction
Statement of the Problem
Phenomenon of Interest
Background and Justification
Deficiencies in the Evidence
Purpose of the Study
Chapter 2: Literature Review
Sexuality: A Brief History
Stigma, Homophobia & Discrimination
Coming Out
Mental Health Impacts
Research Question
Chapter 3: Methodology
Aim of the Study
Research Design
Study Site
Key Informant Interviews
In-Depth Interviews
Participant Recruitment
Data Analysis
Ethical Considerations
Chapter 4: Results
Demographic Characteristics
Results: How the Coming Out Process Influences Mental Health
Phase 1: Suppression of Sexuality
Phase 2: Denial of Sexuality or Identity
Phase 3: Same-Sex Sexual Debut
Phase 4: Clarification & Affirmation of Sexuality and/or Identity
Phase 5: Coming Out
Phase 6: Abuse & Discrimination
Phase 7: Self-Acceptance
Chapter 5: Discussion
Findings Conclusion
About this Master's Thesis
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Primary PDF
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“Slowly by slowly makes the journeyâ€: Coming Out and Mental Health Amongst LGBTQ Rwandans () | 2018-08-28 16:23:16 -0400 |
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