Examining Predictors of Protective and High-Risk Sexual Behaviors among Incoming Students at a Historically Black College/University Open Access
Terrell, Lynsey Allison (2016)
Introduction. Engaging in high-risk sexual behaviors, such as having multiple partners and inconsistent condom use, may put college students at an increased risk for HIV and STI acquisition. In the limited studies that have compared college students by race, black college students have been disproportionately impacted by HIV and STIs, despite higher engagement in some protective sexual health behaviors compared with their white peers.
Objective. The purpose of this study was to fill a gap in the literature on the existing sexual health behaviors, knowledge, and attitudes of incoming, male students at a southeastern, historically black college/university (HBCU).
Methods. This study utilized a cross sectional design with a convenience sample of 211 incoming students attending New Student Orientation at a southeastern HBCU during summer 2015.
Results. Among participating students, 64% reported ever having oral, vaginal, or anal sex. The majority of men who reported having sex within 30 days of taking the survey reported that they had used a condom at their last sexual encounter (64%). Multivariate analyses found that men who reported their behavior as safe and those with higher condom use self-efficacy scores were significantly more likely to have used a condom at last sex. However, the majority of sexually experienced men (89%) reported their sex behaviors as "safe" or "very safe." Of men who perceived their behavior as safe, 29% had more than one sex partner in the past 30 days and 60% never had an HIV test. Significant predictors of reported history of HIV testing included having four or more lifetime sex partners, fewer perceived barriers to HIV testing resources, and lower anxiety regarding HIV testing. Nearly half of the students indicated not knowing where to get an HIV test (44%).
Conclusions. The findings supported the previous literature with regards to high-perceived levels of safety among male students, despite engagement in some high-risk sexual behaviors. Future strategies should utilize peer-led, targeted interventions to address perceived insusceptibility to poor sexual health outcomes and emphasize available resources on campus.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
Context 1
Statement of the Problem 1
Purpose 5
Research Aims 5
Significance of Study 6
Theoretical Perspectives 6
Emerging adulthood 6
Thesis Overview 9
Chapter 2: Literature Review 10
Sexual Health Disparities 10
Emerging adulthood and sexual health disparities 10
Emerging Adulthood and Sexual Health Knowledge 12
Age of Sexual Debut and Number of Sex Partners 14
Condom Use and Condom Use Self-Efficacy 15
Emerging Adults and HIV Testing Behaviors and Attitudes 18
Perceptions of Risk and Safety 20
Search Methods 21
Chapter 3: Methods 22
Design 22
Procedures 22
Participants 22
Measures 23
Sexual history and behaviors 23
Partner communication scale 23
Adolescent and young adult condom self-efficacy scale 24
STD Knowledge Questionnaire 25
HIV testing history and attitudes 26
Perceived barriers to HIV testing 27
Data Analysis 28
Chapter 4: Results 30
Sexual History and Behaviors 30
HIV Testing History and Attitudes 34
Condom Use at Last Sexual Encounter 34
History of HIV Testing 35
Chapter 5: Discussion 39
Implications and Recommendations 41
Filling gaps in the literature 41
Recommendations for future research 42
Recommendations for future interventions 43
Interventions targeting HBCU students 46
Limitations 49
References 52
Appendix 65
Appendix A: Cross-sectional Survey 65
Sexual behaviors 65
Partner Communication Scale 65
STD-Knowledge Questionnaire 66
Adolescent and Young Adult Condom Use Self-Efficacy Scale 69
Appendix B: STD Knowledge Questionnaire Codebook 71
Appendix C: Informed Consent Form 72
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