Associations between parent-female adolescent sexual and reproductive health communication and first sexual and reproductive healthcare seeking experiences amongst low income women in suburban areas outside of Atlanta, Georgia. Open Access
Standish, Kathryn (Summer 2020)
Adult and adolescent women’s autonomy over their sexual and reproductive health (SRH) care is vital to women and society’s overall wellbeing. Unintended teenage pregnancies can have short and long-term adverse health effects, as well as negative social and financial implications for the individual and the community (Nove, Matthews, Neal, & Cambacho, 2014; CDC, 2019a). Use of contraception, access to teen friendly SRH services and counseling can reduce teen pregnancies and influence other adolescent SRH outcomes (UNFPA, 2014). Non-use, as well as misuse of contraception is a large contributor to unintended teenage pregnancies (Bell, Gifford, Rashid, McDuffie, & Knight, 2020; Potter, et al., 2009, Manlove et al, 2004).Studies have shown parents play a significant role in reducing adolescent unintended pregnancies (Widman, et al., 2016; Flores & Barroso, 2016) and can also hold the greatest influence over a female adolescent’s SRH outcomes (Lantos, et al., 2019; Somers& Surman, 2004). This study aims to assess the impact of parent-female adolescent (parent-adolescent) SRH discussions on female adolescent’s first sexual and reproductive healthcare seeking experience amongst low income women in suburban areas outside of Atlanta, Georgia.
This study used secondary data to assess 25 Life History interviews using qualitative methods. This study found that parent-adolescent SRH discussion influenced adolescents’ first care seeking experience. Results are organized into three sections: 1) initiation of SRH discussions; 2) content of discussions; and 3) influence of discussions on participant’s care seeking experience. Most initiation of SRH discussions were prompted by a parent’s desire to prevent their child from experiencing negative SRH outcomes, the participant moving away from home, or when the participant may become sexually active. The content of these discussions were usually centered around contraception, SRH services, and protection of the adolescent’s physical health and future. Discussions influenced SRH care, and often impacted which providers participants sought out, the type of contraceptive method they received, and in some cases when they started use. Participants were also more likely to let their parents know when they were ready for SRH services if they had already received conversations regarding SRH care or contraceptive use. Parental guidance scheduling adolescents' first appointment in this new sector of the healthcare system may be important facilitating access. Current SRH guidelines for adolescents primarily concentrate on the types of contraceptive methods available to use. Parental guidelines that tell their teen what to expect logistically, financially, and emotionally may help alleviate some of the unfamiliarity and anxiety associated with first time use. More research is needed to explore the relationship between parent-adolescent discussions and its impact on adolescents’ SRH service use.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction 1-3
Context and Problem 1
Research Objectives 3
Chapter 2: Literature Review 4-24
Unintended Pregnancies 4
Teen Pregnancy and Reproductive Health Outcomes 7
Factors that Influence Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Outcomes 8
Parent-Adolescent Communication 11
Sexual and Reproductive Health, Religion, and Legislation in the South 16
Justification for Research 23
Chapter 3: Project Content 25-30
Methods 25
Contributions 25
Setting and Population 25
Study Procedures 27
Ethical Considerations 28
Data Analysis 29
Results 31
Initiation of SRH Discussions 31-45
Content of SRH Discussions 35
Impact of Sexual and Reproductive Health Discussions on First Care Seeking Experience 38
Care-seeking Implications for Those who Received SRH Discussions 39
Implications of Lack of Sexual and Reproductive Health Discussions 42
Chapter 4: Discussion, Conclusion, and Recommendations 46-54
Discussion 46
Sexual and Reproductive Health Discussions 46
Did not Receive Sexual and Reproductive Health Discussions 48
Recommendations 49
Parents 49
Schools 51
Future Research 51
Limits and Strengths 52
Conclusion 54
Additional Pages 55-60
Literature Referenced 55
About this Master's Thesis
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Associations between parent-female adolescent sexual and reproductive health communication and first sexual and reproductive healthcare seeking experiences amongst low income women in suburban areas outside of Atlanta, Georgia. () | 2020-08-02 17:38:31 -0400 |
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