Differential impacts of states’ policies: Three essays on healthcare provision and health outcomes. Restricted; Files Only
Franco Montoya, Daniela (Summer 2022)
Often health policy aiming to improve healthcare delivery and health outcomes has unintended consequences. When unintended consequences become social costs, it is the goal of policy makers to minimize their impact. In this dissertation I evaluate the effects of three policies on healthcare delivery and health outcomes for different population groups. In chapter one and chapter two I study the joint effects of modifications to joint and several liability, and scope of practice restrictions for certified nurse midwives on labor delivery and birth outcomes for nulliparous and primiparous pregnancies with a history of one previous c-section. I find that the possible distortion of liability cause by these two laws can increase unnecessary procedure use and affect birth outcomes. My findings suggest that there are efficiency gains linked to reforms to the joint and several liability rule, and relaxation of the scope of practice restrictions for healthcare providers. Lastly, in chapter three, I study, summarize and analyze literature evaluating the effects of Medicaid Managed Care on healthcare costs, access, quality and efficiency, concluding that future research should focus on efficiency analysis, social determinats of health, and high risk populations.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: The heterogeneous effects of malpractice liability laws on low-risk pregnancies in states with scope of practice barriers. 1
Introduction 1
Background 5
Medical malpractice 8
SOP laws for CNMs 11
Practice agreements and liability 13
Conceptual framework 15
Data and methods 16
Health outcomes data 16
JSL reforms data 17
SOP laws data 18
County-level characteristics 18
Sampling 19
Methods 19
Summary statistics 21
Results 22
Discussion 25
Chapter 2: Once a C-section always a C-section? An analysis of procedure decisions under perceived high risk. 57
Introduction 57
Background 60
Conceptual framework 65
Data and methods 66
Health outcomes data 66
JSL reforms data 67
SOP laws data67
County-level characteristics 68
Sampling 68
Methods 69
Summary statistics 70
Results 72
Discussion 74
Chapter 3: The heterogeneous effects of malpractice liability laws on low-risk pregnancies in states with scope of practice barriers. 106
Introduction 106
Methodology 108
Costs 109
Access 110
Quality 112
Efficiency 115
Discussion 116
About this Dissertation
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