How Does “Fit” Versus “Non-fit” Affect Audits of Estimates? The Compatibility Between Focus and Mindset Open Access
Hong, Yue (Spring 2019)
Auditors frequently fail to critically evaluate management’s accounting estimates, jeopardizing
financial reporting quality (PCAOB 2017). I propose that one way to potentially improve audits
of estimates is to align an auditor’s focus (prevention/promotion) and mindset (concrete/abstract)
in a compatible way. I predict that judgment quality will be higher when the focus and mindset fit
versus do not fit each other, but I find the opposite. To reconcile my results with the typical findings
in non-judgment tasks that performance is higher under fit versus non-fit, I develop a new
prediction. I propose that whether judgment quality is higher under fit versus non-fit depends on a
third factor: auditors’ willingness to engage in the judgment task before receiving any
manipulations. I find that for auditors who are initially less engaged, judgment quality is higher
under fit versus non-fit, consistent with the typical findings in non-judgment tasks. However, for
auditors who are initially more engaged, judgment quality is higher under non-fit versus fit,
consistent with my main results. My study suggests that how “fit” versus “non-fit” affects
performance is more complex than previously thought. My study implies that firms should
consider auditors’ initial willingness to engage in the judgment task when using fit and non-fit to
improve audits of estimates.
Table of Contents
Introduction .....................................................................................................................................1
Theory and Hypothesis ...................................................................................................................7
Method ..........................................................................................................................................11
Results ...........................................................................................................................................14
Discussion .....................................................................................................................................24
Conclusions ...................................................................................................................................27
Appendix 1.....................................................................................................................................30
Appendix 2.....................................................................................................................................31
Appendix 3.....................................................................................................................................35
About this Dissertation
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How Does “Fit” Versus “Non-fit” Affect Audits of Estimates? The Compatibility Between Focus and Mindset () | 2019-04-03 14:14:05 -0400 |
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