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Résultats de recherche
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Surgical Quality in Haiti: The Development of a Quality Assessment for the Emory University School of Medicine and Project Medishare Surgery Trip
1 de 10
Modeling the Geometric Regularity in Proteus Mirabilis Colonies
2 de 10
Conceptualizing and quantifying access to HIV care among people living with HIV in Atlanta, Georgia
3 de 10
Arguing with Job: Consolation and Quarrel in the Joban Dialogue
4 de 10
The Assessment of Iron Status of Kenyan Preschool Children in Rural
Western Kenya
5 de 10
The Islamic Obligation to Emigrate: Al-Wansharīsī's
Asnā al-matājir Reconsidered
6 de 10
Neuropsychological Predictors of Outcome in an Accountability Court
7 de 10
Market Liquidity and Linear Factor Pricing Models: Empirical
Assessment and New Distribution-Free Tests
8 de 10
Literature and Social Justice: Persuasion in Machado de Assis, Lu Xun, and Virgilio Piñera
9 de 10
"They're treating us bad now, never the same": Young people's
perceptions of health services in Soweto, South Africa: A
qualitative investigation
10 de 10