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The Influence of Psychosocial Factors on Contraceptive Use among Sexually Active Adolescent and Young Adult Women in Atlanta, Georgia
1 of 20
“Living the life God sees for women”: an exploration of religion, gender-based power dynamics, and sexual decision making within African American faith-based communities
2 of 20
Water, Sanitation, Hygiene, and Reproductive Health Access Barriers in Rural Cambodia: Issues in Gender and Disability
3 of 20
A Portfolio Mapping of CARE’s Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Programming in the African Great Lakes Region
4 of 20
Evaluating Antepartum Perspectives on Postpartum Family Planning
Related to the Jhpiego ACCESS-FP Program in Albania
5 of 20
Examining the Effect of Fertility, Achievement of Ideal Family Size, Unmet Need, and Modern Contraceptive Use on Women's Empowerment in Minya, Egypt
6 of 20
The "Area Down There:" An Exploration of Cervical Cancer Screening
Attitudes and Behavior Among South Asian American Women
7 of 20
Women's empowerment and its relationship to current contraceptive
use in low, lower-middle, and upper-middle income countries: A
systematic review of the literature
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'I have no choice': The perceptions of contraceptive use and abortion practices among women in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
9 of 20
Violence, unintended pregnancy, and the total ban on abortion: a qualitative examination of threats to women's autonomy in Ocotal, Nicaragua
10 of 20
Barriers to effective IPV homicide prevention. Georgia 2014
11 of 20
Influence of women's empowerment on child nutritional status in
Bihar, India
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Obstetric Care Seeking Process of Tribal Women in Karnataka, India
13 of 20
Validation of A Pregnancy Planning Measure for Arabic-Speaking
14 of 20
Understanding Women's Empowerment and its Impact on Child
Nutrition among Pastoralists in Northern Kenya
15 of 20
Sexual Violence Perpetration Among College-Aged Males in Georgia:
Examining Individual Risk Factors
16 of 20
Associations Between Socioeconomic and Socio-Normative Conditions, Emotional Violence, and the Experience of Childhood Sexual Violence in Nigeria
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Association between obesity and risk of folate insufficiency among non-pregnant women of reproductive age in the United States
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Prenatal Care Choice Among Low-income Latina Women in Atlanta – Georgia
19 of 20
A Qualitative Assessment of Mothers’ Perceptions and Behaviors in Response to an Intervention Designed to Encourage Safe Child Feces Disposal Practices in Odisha, India
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