Résultats de recherche
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Bilingualism as a Protective Factor for Executive Dysfunction in Autism
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Individual variation in typically developing rhesus macaque infants (Macaca mulatta): The role of matrilineal social rank
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Examining the Association Between Symptom Severity and Adaptive Functioning in Autism Spectrum Disorder
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Examining the Associations between Maternal Childhood Maltreatment, Mother-Infant Attunement, and Constructive Parenting Behaviors in a Sample of Black American Mothers
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The Role of Prenatal and Postnatal Maternal Distress on Offspring Aggression in Young Adulthood
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Effects of Neonatal Hippocampal Lesions on Contextual Learning and
Memory in Monkeys
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The role of the perirhinal cortex in emotional regulation in
nonhuman primates
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Investigating Dinnertime: How families communicate and the
relation to child well-being
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Behavioral and Neuroendocrine Effects of Neonatal AmygdalaLesion on Rhesus Monkeys Living in a Semi-NaturalisticEnvironment.
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Hush Little Baby… Operant Learning Methods Using Maternal Singing to Reinforce the Reduction of Fetal Movement
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