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Voter Suppression in a "Post-Racial" Society: Examining
Allegations of Voter Disenfranchisement
1 of 20
Finding Justice: The City-Soul Analogy in Plato's Republic
2 of 20
Emission Impossible? Political Determinants of Compliance with the
Kyoto Protocol
3 of 20
Following the Leader: What Accounts for the Variation in Timing of
Conditional Cash Transfers in Latin America?
4 of 20
Qat Chews, Diwaniyas, and Coffeehouses: Civic
Traditions in Yemen, Kuwait, and Egypt
5 of 20
Crime and Gangs: Achievement Gap in Chicago Public Schools
6 of 20
The Consequences of Rising Suburban Poverty on the Housing Choice
Voucher Program: A Study of Atlanta, Georgia
7 of 20
Urban Sprawl and State Growth Management Programs: Why Certain
States Have Adopted Policy
8 of 20
Revealing the Atrocities: Collective Memory and National
Identity in Spain, From the Franco Regime to the Present
9 of 20
Antidumping duties against China: analyzing the effect of
China's accession to the World Trade Organization
10 of 20
From Terror to Politics: How Nationalist Terrorist Organizations
11 of 20
Institutions as a Cause of Upgrading: The Case of the Chinese
Rubber Industry
12 of 20
Do Rural Women Run? Factors Determining Where Women
13 of 20
Tocqueville's Two Democracies: A Comparison of Complete and
Revolutionary Conceptualizations of Equality
14 of 20
The Effect of Prices and Political Unity on the Efficacy of
Inter-state Gas Bargaining
15 of 20
In Pursuit of Representation: The Effect of Gender Quotas on
Legislative Committee Assignments
16 of 20
I Am Somebody: Do Legislator Descriptive Characteristics Help
Explain Representation of Low-Income Constituents, A Marginalized
17 of 20
Compliance with the Regular Order in the U.S. Senate
18 of 20
The Diffusion of Charter School Policies Across the United States
19 of 20
Ethnic Mobilization and Fiscal Distribution in Pakistan
20 of 20