Resultados de la búsqueda
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How Shall We Sing the Lord's Song in a Strange Land?
A Comparative Analysis of Clarence Macartney and Harry Emerson
Fosdick and the changing role of the early twentieth century
American Protestant pastorate
1 of 10
James J. Kilpatrick The Changing Views of a Southern NewspaperEditor on School Desegregation
2 of 10
The Political Shift of the CDU in Citizenship and Immigration
Policy from Reunification to the Implementation of an Immigration
law in 2005
3 of 10
The Adventures of the Unconscious: A Cultural History of
Psychoanalysis in Italy, 1920-1940s
4 of 10
Rebelling Against the King: Opposition to the Confederate Cotton
Embargo in 1861
5 of 10
Shattered: Intellectual Life in Communist Britain, 1945-1962
6 of 10
Timeless, Modern, and German? The Re-Mapping of Bavaria through
the Marketing of Tourism, 1800-1939
7 of 10
Lost at Locarno? Colonial Germans and the Redefinition of "Imperial" Germany, 1919-1933
8 of 10
Material Girls and Imperial Fashions: the Circulation of
Ideologies and Commerce in the Hispanic Enlightenment
9 of 10
Labours of Division: Peasant Castes and the Politics of Agrarian
Hierarchy in Colonial Panjab
10 of 10