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Health Sciences, Public Health
Remover Research Field: Health Sciences, Public Health
Submission Type
Master's Thesis
Remover Submission Type: Master's Thesis
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Barriers and Facilitators to Participation in Support Groups and
Counseling Services in Promotion of Infant and Young Child Feeding
Practices in West Timor, Indonesia
1 of 100
Maternal Weight Gain During Pregnancy and Infant Illness
2 of 100
The influence of learning style on the effectiveness of a worksite
physical activity intervention in a university setting
3 of 100
The Transfusion Practices of Hospitalists and Their Response to
an Educational Intervention: An Exploratory Study
4 of 100
5 of 100
Childhood Obesity and Parental Perceptions of Healthcare
6 of 100
Trauma-Informed Care in a Substance Abuse Treatment Setting: A
Mixed Methods Process Evaluation
7 of 100
The Flooding of Urban Communities in Accra, Ghana: Assessing
Population at Risk, Behavioral Response, and Fecal Contamination
8 of 100
Vaccination of HIV-Infected Pregnant Women with Trivalent Influenza
Vaccine in the Prevention of Streptococcus pneumoniae and
Staphylococcus aureus Colonization during Early Infancy in South
9 of 100
Data analysis of investigation of Bordetella pertussis booster
vaccine acceptance among pregnant women living in Mexico City
10 of 100
Evaluating Antepartum Perspectives on Postpartum Family Planning
Related to the Jhpiego ACCESS-FP Program in Albania
11 of 100
Coming up short: Women's empowerment and stunting in children 6 to
23 months in Sierra Leone
12 of 100
Adolescent Program for HIV Positive Youth in Informal
Settlements of Nairobi
13 of 100
14 of 100
Intimate Partner Violence and Help seeking behavior among
Married Women in India
15 of 100
Predicting Sustainability of Rural Hand Pumps in Northern
16 of 100
Predictors of Depression in Primary Care Physicians in Kosovo Ten
Years after the End of the Balkan Conflict
17 of 100
A Tale of Two Countries: The HIV Epidemic in Georgia and Ukraine,
two countries of the Former Soviet Union
18 of 100
Climate Change and Ecosystem Disruption: The Health Impacts of the
North American Rocky Mountain Pine Beetle Infestation
19 of 100
Exploring Food Insecurity in HIV-Positive Inpatients at Grady
Memorial Hospital in Atlanta, GA
20 of 100
Racial Differences in Hospital Readmission Days and Readmission
Rate in Pediatric Liver Transplant: A Single-Center Experience
21 of 100
Changes in knowledge, communication, and risk-taking behaviors
among college students delivering a theater-based sexual health
intervention: A qualitative study of the AMP! Sex Squad
22 of 100
Population-based Assessment of Invasive Disease and Macrolide
Resistance from Streptococcus pneumoniae in Atlanta from
2007 to 2010
23 of 100
The Structure of the Prodrome of Psychosis
24 of 100
Paleolithic and Mediterranean Diet Scores and Risk of Colorectal
25 of 100
The Effect of Steps in the Food Production Process on Microbial
Quality of High-Risk Produce Collected Near the U.S.-Mexico Border
26 of 100
Cancer Survivor Lifestyle Changes in Relationship to Depressive
Symptoms, Hope, Social Support, and Quality of Life
27 of 100
News Media Outreach of Tobacco Free City - Gates Tobacco Control
Project from 2009 to 2013
28 of 100
Social Cognitive Correlates of HIV-associated Sexual Risk
Behavior Among African-American Adult Women
29 of 100
The Costs of Volunteering: Quantifying the Economic Value of
Community Resources Contributed to an Integrated Neglected Tropical
Disease Control Program in Nigeria
30 of 100
Sustainability Evaluation of Water Filtration Systems in
Honduran Hospitals to Inform The General Electric Foundation's
Donation Strategy
31 of 100
Mosquito Prevalence and Malaria Risk in Relation to Land-Use Near
Ranomafana National Park in Madagascar
32 of 100
Women's Empowerment and Infant and Young Child Feeding in
33 of 100
Women's Autonomy and Gender Equity in
Mali: Examining The Influence of Marriage on Perceptions of Women's
34 of 100
Neisseria meningitidis Epidemiology and Molecular
Epidemiology in Atlanta, Georgia, 1989-2010
35 of 100
Nursing Workforce Distribution in Kenya
36 of 100
The Association between Pathologic Features from Renal Biopsies and
End-Stage Renal Disease in Lupus Nephritis Patients
37 of 100
Who Leads Influenza Epidemics? Age-specific differences in the
occurrence of seasonal and pandemic influenza A in Thailand
38 of 100
What will it do for my baby: Gain-framed vs. loss-framed messaging
for influenza vaccination in pregnant minority women
39 of 100
Model Parents
Is parental sugar sweetened beverage consumption a risk factor
for children's sugar sweetened beverage consumption?
40 of 100
HPV Risk Perception and Risk Behavior among Minority Women
41 of 100
Association between patient and programmatic characteristics and
smear conversion among pulmonary TB patients in South Africa
42 of 100
Assessing the Perceptions of Early Childhood Development among
Primary Caregivers in Chhattisgarh, India
43 of 100
Efficacy of chlorine dosage recommendations on the microbiologic
quality of turbid waters
44 of 100
Pre-pregnancy alcohol use and timing of prenatal care entry among
American Indians and Alaska Natives
45 of 100
Gentrification and Prevalence of Preterm Birth in Atlanta
46 of 100
Risk Factors for Cryptosporidiosis and Giardiasis Infections in
the United States: A Case-Case Comparison in 16 States
47 of 100
48 of 100
Smoking behaviors, implementation of smoke-free policy and
determinants among hotel and restaurant employees in Hangzhou,
49 of 100
Derivation and Validation of a Risk Model for Emergency
Department Palliative Care Needs Assessment using the Screen for
Palliative and End of Life Care Needs in the Emergency Department
(SPEED) Tool
50 of 100
Distribution of Serum Tumor Markers for Testicular Cancer across
Racial/Ethnic Groups from 2004 to 2007 in the United States
51 of 100
Spatial Distribution of Malaria Prevalence in Ethiopia Based on
Village Level Environmental, Socio-Economic, and Demographic
52 of 100
Characteristics of Bed Net Use and Malaria Incidence During Sick
Visits in a Cohort of Malawian Children Living in an Area of
Insecticide Resistance
53 of 100
First-Generation College Students: A Look beyond Academics. An
Examination of the Emotional and Mental Health of First-Generation
College Students
54 of 100
Culturally Perceived Risks of Pregnancy: Correlations between early
disclosure of pregnancy, gender and social norms, and positive
maternal health program outcomes in Bankass and Bandiagara, Mali
55 of 100
Drug Susceptibility of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from 10
Provinces in China, 2004 - 2006
56 of 100
Women's empowerment and nutritional outcomes of children under
five in low, lower-middle, and upper-middle income countries: A
systematic review
57 of 100
The effects of prepregnancy body mass index and gestational weight
gain on fetal macrosomia among American Indian/Alaskan Native women
58 of 100
Concentrations of pesticide residues in baby foods:
understanding a common pathway of exposure for infants
59 of 100
Community Influences on Sexual Risk Taking Behavior among Youth
in Bolivia and the Dominican Republic
60 of 100
Using a Participatory Sketching Methodology to Assess Audience
Sense-Making after Viewing a Film about Sexual Violence
61 of 100
3 Strikes And You're Out: The association between social support
and the HIV sexual risk behaviors of disclosed African American MSM
62 of 100
The impact of antibiotic use on influenza vaccine effectiveness in
children aged 6-59 months
63 of 100
A Framework for Action: The Strategic Plan of the National
Colorectal Cancer Roundtable
64 of 100
An evaluation of household latrine coverage in Kewot woreda,
Ethiopia three years after implementing interventions to control
blinding trachoma
65 of 100
Community Engagement Strategies: Lessons Learned from
Community-Based Water Services in Cabo Delgado Province, Mozambique
66 of 100
Incidence, stage of diagnosis and survival of gastro-esophageal
cancers in rural, urban and metropolitan areas of the United
States: 2004-2009
67 of 100
'I Fell between the Cracks:' A Qualitative Analysis of the
Factors that Influence Mammography Use among Low-Income and
Uninsured/Underinsured Women
68 of 100
The Association between Methodological Reporting Quality of
Systematic Reviews Produced by the Guide to Community Preventive
Services and the Recommendations and Findings Issued by the
Task Force on Community Preventive Services, 2000-2010
69 of 100
The Effects of Intimate Partner Violence on a Child's Cognitive,
Social, and Behavioral Development in Jordan
70 of 100
Singing Your Way To Safe Delivery
71 of 100
Cost-effectiveness of rotavirus vaccination and predictors of
diarrheal disease in children during a complex humanitarian
72 of 100
Analysis of the Family Life Surveys in Indonesia: The
Contribution of Wheat Flour Fortification to Improving Anemia
73 of 100
Evaluation of nucleic acid amplification testing (NAAT) in the
early identification of HIV in high-risk persons in Fulton County,
74 of 100
Intimate Partner Violence and Civic Education in Liberia: A
Mixed-Methods Study of Service-Seeking Behavior and Civic Knowledge
in Two Monrovia Settlements
75 of 100
Pathogenic contamination of tomatoes, cantaloupe, and jalapenos
on farms in Coahuila and Nuevo Leon, Mexico
76 of 100
Implementation of the GenoType® MTBDRplus Assay
in a Laboratory in Manila, Philippines: An Analysis of the
Effect on Time to Diagnostic Results and Treatment Initiation
77 of 100
Population Dynamics of Nasopharyngeal Bacterial Pathogens in
Febrile Tanzanian Children
78 of 100
Utilization of Mental Health EHR Data to Identify Candidates for
Chronic Care Health Homes in Kansas: Defining a Process to Identify
79 of 100
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Practices in Dawa and Tugakope: A
Multiple Methods Baseline Assessment of Two Rural Communities in
80 of 100
The Impact of Informal Caregiving on Physical and Mental Health
81 of 100
Maternal residential proximity to Toxics Release Inventory sites
and preterm birth
82 of 100
A Process Evaluation of the Food Security Initiative at the
Clarkston Community Center
83 of 100
The Role of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Aggression, Antisocial
Behaviors, and Crime: A Systematic Review
84 of 100
Diagnosed Diabetes and In-Hospital Mortality after Coronary
Artery Bypass Grafting
85 of 100
A Multi-Country Perspective of the Adult Mental Health Status of
Middle Eastern Women: A Review of the Literature
86 of 100
Social Stressors, Risk Taking, and HIV Risk Perceptions among Men
who have Sex with Men in Seven Countries
87 of 100
Variation in Cardiovascular Treatment by Hospital Ownership Type
88 of 100
Decision-making around method of delivery in El Paso, Texas and
Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua
89 of 100
Identifying Predictors of Human Papillomavirus Acquisition Using
the Theory of Gender and Power
90 of 100
The Association between Maternal Vitamin Use and Preterm Birth in
24 States, Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS),
91 of 100
92 of 100
Making sense of HIV Testing: Social representations in young
Africans' HIV-related narratives from six countries
93 of 100
Exploring the Nutrition status of Children affected by
Nodding Syndrome (NS) in Western Equatoria State of South
94 of 100
Innovations in Management of Chronic Hepatitis C:
Cost-effectiveness Analyses and Overcoming Barriers to Treatment
95 of 100
96 of 100
Stress, Menstruation and School Attendance: Effects of Water
Security on Adolescent Girls in South Gondar, Ethiopia
97 of 100
What precipitates violence? A longitudinal study of the initiation,
cessation, and continuation of physical intimate partner violence
within marriage in rural India
98 of 100
Novel and Conventional Biomarkers for Prediction of Myocardial
Infarction and Cardiovascular Death
99 of 100
HOPE VI Relocations and Spatial Access to Safety Net Primary Care
in Atlanta, GA
100 of 100