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Integrating Behavioral Health Into Primary Care For Homeless & Uninsured Individuals in Atlanta: A Program Evaluation
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Investigation of factors associated with circulating gamma-tocopherol concentrations
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Improving Self-Efficacy in Chronically-Ill individuals: A First Look at the Effectiveness of a Chronic Disease Self-Management Program in Southeast Missouri
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Disrupting the School-To-Prison Pipeline: A Project-Based Grant Proposal Thesis to Provide Community-Based Health Educational Opportunities as Prevention and Diversion from the Juvenile Justice System for Middle School Students in Fulton County, Georgia
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Patterns and determinants of tobacco use among adolescents aged 13-15 years in 75 low and middle-income countries
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The Tuberculin Skin Test: Within-Subject Variability, Boosting, and Comparison with the QuantiFERON-TB Gold In-Tube Test
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A cost-analysis of conducting population-based prevalence surveys for the validation of the elimination of trachoma as a public health problem in Amhara, Ethiopia
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Regimen Complexity in Aging HIV-Infected Veterans: Data from HAVACS
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TeleSMILE: Implementing teledentistry through School-Based Health Centers (SBHCs) in Coffee County, GA to expand access to oral health care to rural children
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An Assessment of Risk Factors for Breast Cancer Among Women Attending Breast Cancer Screening in Saudi Arabia.
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Epidemiology of the First Zika Virus Outbreak in the United States Virgin Islands, 2016–2017
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Menstrual hygiene management in Fiji: Establishing an evidence base to address WASH challenges for girls in school, results from a formative study
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Big Data Analytics in Bioinformatics: Microservices Architecture in the Cloud - Alzheimer's Surveillance Re-envisioned
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Associations of diet and lifestyle factors with oxidative stress and inflammation biomarkers according to antioxidant enzyme and DNA repair genetic risk scores
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Refugee Health in the United States: A Socio-Cultural Perspective
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Using Data Available at the State Level for a Local Health Department Health Dashboard
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Applying Public Health Informatics to Developing a Training Database System and Investigating an Influenza Outbreak
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Associations of Nut Intakes with Incident Sporadic Colorectal Adenoma Risk: A Pooled Case-Control Study
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Cost Analysis of a Combined, Household-level Piped Water Supply and Sanitation Program in Rural Odisha, India
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Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Early versus Late Tracheostomy on Risk of Ventilator-associated Pneumonia
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Implementing low powered smart devices in public health surveillance systems.
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Digital Interoperability With FHIR API, Disease Surveillance, and Climate Change
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How can health care organizations evaluate their patient portals based on likelihood of patient use to assist in developing their portal strategy going forward?
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Unique Patient Identifiers and Immunization Information Systems: Benefits to Consider
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Public Health Information Systems Architecture and Implementation
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Conducting an Enterprise Architecture Impact Study (EAIS) for Recommendations On Developing and Implementing Health Registries to Improve Data Collection and Public Health Surveillance
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Permethrin pesticide-induced alterations in the dopaminergic system across time points and genders
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Pre-migration experiences of victimization and chronic disease among foreign-born people
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Trends in U.S. Community Hospitalizations Due to Herpes Zoster: 2001-2015
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Impacts of gestational age uncertainty in estimating associations between preterm birth and ambient air pollution
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An exploratory analysis of factors associated with interest in postpartum intrauterine device (IUD) uptake among pregnant women and couples in Kigali, Rwanda
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Adaptive Bayesian Phase I Clinical Trials Designs for Estimating the Maximum Tolerated Doses for Two Drugs while Fully Utilizing all Toxicity Information
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Developing a Five-Biomarker Risk Score for Estimating Five-Year Risk of Myocardial Infarction or Death in a Sample of Subjects that Underwent Cardiac Catheterization
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The Influence of Abortion Legality Knowledge on Abortion Provision and Referral Practices among Reproductive Healthcare Providers in Lomé, Togo
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Creating a Smartphone App for Use in an Outpatient Palliative Care Setting
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Incidence Rates and Predictors of Co-detection of Clostridioides difficile and Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae and impact on mortality in Metropolitan Atlanta 2011-2015.
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Introduction to Survival Analysis Methods in the Presence of Competing Risks
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Estimating Lymphatic Filariasis Morbidity in Haiti Using Respondent-Driven Sampling: A Simulation Study
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Association Between Anti-Human Trafficking Legislation Adherence and Prosecution Rates among 142 Countries from 2003-2011
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‘Change really does need to start from home’: A Qualitative Exploration of Individual and Relationship Change in Married Couples in Nepal
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Investigating the barriers of a healthy diet among low-income individuals who suffer from diet-related illnesses living in Atlanta, GA
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Association of Oral Anticoagulant Type with Risk of Dementia among Patients with Atrial Fibrillation
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Racial Differences in Patient Perceived Barriers to Starting the Pre-Kidney Transplant Evaluation
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Young Adult HPV and Influenza Vaccine Coverage: A Comparison across College Enrollment Status
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Understanding the Feasibility of Addressing Missed Opportunities in HPV Vaccination Uptake: A Qualitative Approach to Bring Practical Solutions
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'It's like a burden on the head': Redefining Adequate Menstrual Hygiene Management Throughout Women's Life Course in Odisha, India
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Unsafe abortion in Lomé, Togo: What do women report from their communities?
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A New Sweet Potato for an Old Problem: An Education Curriculum to Increase the Nutrition Benefits of An Agriculture Project Promoting Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato in Ethiopia
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Effect of Antibiotic Stewardship Program Intensity and Outpatient Antibiotic Prescribing Rates on the Variability in Prevalence of Antibiotic-Resistant Phenotypes between U.S. States
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Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene in Emergencies: A Curriculum
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The role of incident syphilis infection on HIV transmission in Zambian HIV discordant couples, 1994-2012
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An Examination of the Socio-Ecologic Factors Associated with Diabetes Status in Palau
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Socio-Behavioral Predictors of Vaginal Lactobacillus Dominance in Pregnant African American Women
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A Process Evaluation of Integrated Family Planning and Routine Child Immunization Services in Benin
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A Mixed-Methods Study on Hepatitis B Perceptions and Knowledge among Asian Americans
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Relationships between Rape and Reproductive Health Outcomes among Adolescent and Young Adult Women in Atlanta, Georgia
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Factors Associated with Mosquito Net Ownership and Use in Haiti, December 2014-February 2015
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Analysis of Dose-Specific Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination by Insurance Type Using the National Immunization Survey-Teen, 2015
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Adverse Childhood Experiences, Adolescent Unintended Pregnancy, and Perceived Stress Levels in Adolescence
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Differentiating Externalizing versus Internalizing Behaviors as Risk Factors for Alcohol, Marijuana, and Various Tobacco Use Among Young Adults
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Assessing the Validity of Sexual Network Degree Among Men Who Have Sex with Men Using Prospective Cohort Data
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A Qualitative Analysis Exploring the Risk of Gender Based Violence Against Syrian Refugee Women in Jordan
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Polyvictimization and HIV Testing Behavior in Malawi
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Point of Dispensing Location Optimization Plan for Fulton County, Georgia Using RealOpt©
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Relationship of Demographic Variables and Classification of Leprosy Cases in Georgia since the early 1900s.
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The Reasonable Person Standard: A Critical Examination of a New Requirement for Informed Consent
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Integrating Trauma Screening and Management at HIV Care Initiation: Current practices and future directions
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Relationship Between Couple’s Acquaintance at Time of Marriage and Subsequent Female Autonomy Among Newly Married Couples in Urban Slums of Pune, India
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An Evaluation of Physical Activity Training in United States Physical Therapy Programs: Perspectives of Physical Therapy Directors
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Associations of Discrimination, Body Image, and Physical Activity among Transgender Women in Atlanta, GA
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An assessment of the Lea Toto adolescent sexual and reproductive health education program in Nairobi, Kenya
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Development and Application of a Set of Novel Caregiver Hygiene Behavior Measures Relating to Stunting
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Perceptions of Students’ Mental Health Issues among Female Elementary School Staff in Saudi Arabia
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The Influence of Psychosocial Factors on Contraceptive Use among Sexually Active Adolescent and Young Adult Women in Atlanta, Georgia
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Differences in sexual orientation disclosure across age groups in MSM
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A Case for Trauma-Informed Sex Education for Youth in Child Welfare: What is It, Why It Matters, & Who is Responsible? A Training for Dependency Court Stakeholders
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Discriminant Validity and the Prevalence of Depression Among Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease
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Grant Proposal Addressing Multi-Generational Perspectives on Breastfeeding among African American Women through a Church-Based Peer and Professional Breastfeeding Support Program
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A systematic review of the rates of completion of treatment and activation of disease in patients found to have latent tuberculosis infections after testing and before placement on Anti TNF-Alpha Blockers
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Antibiotic Prescribing Practices and Health Outcomes: Stunting and Rotavirus Vaccine Seroconversion among NIDI Infants at Hospital Los Andes in El Alto, Bolivia
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Efficacy of Two Hand Hygiene Interventions at Reducing Hand Contamination Among Produce Farmworkers in Northern Mexico
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Mental Health Effects of Current Immigration Policies on Christian Iraqis in Metro Detroit
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Ethiopia Household Water Treatment Evaluation Among Antiretroviral Treatment Clients and Matched Community Members in 2008
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"I know that it's a sin, but I do not have the means": Abortion decision making in Lomé, Togo
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Residential Proximity to Major Roadways and Prevalence of Hypertension in the Atlanta, GA Metropolitan Area
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Adolescent Mother Behaviors in Malawi, A Five-Year Comparison
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A Qualitative Study of the Barriers HIV Positive Youth in Atlanta Face in Disclosing Their Status
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Comparing Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Initiation in Georgia to Regional and National Estimates: Results from the National Immunization Survey – Teen, 2014 - 2016
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Evaluating the project level-Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index (pro-WEAI) through Cognitive Testing
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Opioid prescription patterns among pregnant women on Medicaid in Montana and effect on adverse birth outcomes
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DNA Methylation Markers of Type 2 Diabetes among HIV-infected and Uninfected Individuals
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“Living the life God sees for women”: an exploration of religion, gender-based power dynamics, and sexual decision making within African American faith-based communities
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Impact of provider and patient characteristics on unnecessary antibiotic prescribing in The Emory Clinic outpatient setting, October 2015 – September 2017
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The Impact of Immune Activation on Infant BCG Vaccine Response
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Lessons Learned from Zika Virus: A Systematic Literature Review on Strategic Responses in Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands
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Effect of Surgical Margins on Overall Survival in Resectable Pancreatic Cancer
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A trend analysis of Vibrio vulnificus Mortality, Using the Cholera and Other Vibrio Illness Surveillance System
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Household Air Pollution (PM2.5) and Blood Pressure in Non-Hypertensive Adult Women Living in the Highlands of Peru
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Prevalence and Risk Factors of Intimate Partner Violence in Nepal
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Coming Out to Healthcare Providers: Factors Associated with Same-Sex Disclosure from the 2016 American Men’s Internet Survey
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