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NADPH Oxidases Mediate Zinc Deficiency-Induced Oxidative Stress in
Mouse Kidneys
1 of 50
Cutaneus Trunci Muscle Reflex as a Model for Neural Plasticity
after Spinal Cord Injury
2 of 50
Motor Control of Heartbeat Coordination in the Medicinal Leech
3 of 50
The role of mitochondrial calcium uptake in the cortical collecting
4 of 50
Rac1/Tiam1-mediated Nadph oxidase activation of epithelial sodium
channels regulates neonatal lung aeration and alveolar development
5 of 50
Poldip2: An investigation of structure and signaling pathways to
elucidate the function of a novel cell cycle regulator.
6 of 50
Investigating Electrical Activity Accompanying Functional Recovery
of the Pyloric Circuit Following Isolation from Neuromodulatory
7 of 50
Glutamatergic Inputs to the Monkey Subthalamic Nucleus: A
Comparison of Relative Abundance, Synaptology and Functional
Connectivity in Normal versus Parkinsonian Conditions.
8 of 50
Pathways to Teenage Female Depression: the Role Testosterone Plays
in the Association between Ecological Stress and Adolescent
Depression Outcomes in Girls during Late Puberty
9 of 50
Investigating the mechanism by which Poldip2 activates Ect2 and the
downstream consequences of this activation in vascular smooth
muscle cells
10 of 50
Object Recognition Memory and Gamma Synchrony in the Rat
11 of 50
The Role of Arachidonate 5-Lipoxygenase in HIV-associated Pulmonary
12 of 50
Characterization of Foxp2 Expressing Spinal V1 Interneurons
13 of 50
Suppression of Calcineurin Signaling and PGC-1α Expression
During the Chronic Skeletal Muscle Atrophy Associated with Diabetes
Mellitus: Implications for Muscle Function
14 of 50
The Senescence-Accelerated Mouse (SAM): A Murine Model of
Age-Associated Diastolic Dysfunction
15 of 50
Complex sensorimotor processing and neural plasticity in the
Bengalese finch song system during vocal learning and error
16 of 50
The Role of Mitochondrial Reactive Oxygen Species in the
Development of Hypoxia-induced Pulmonary Hypertension
17 of 50
Neuroanatomical and electrophysiological characteristics of dorsal
column stimulation in the adult mouse
18 of 50
Characterizing a novel transgenic mouse model to investigate
α-synuclein-dependent intestinal pathology involved in
Parkinson's disease
19 of 50
Enhanced Sensorimotor Functional Recovery and Neurovascular
Regeneration after Stroke with Chronic Citalopram Treatment
20 of 50
Investigating the co-activation of autonomic and motor
coordination within locomotion
21 of 50
Corticolimbic Oscillations in Fear Learning
22 of 50
The GABAA receptor is a critical part of the sensingmachinery that triggers homeostatic plasticity of synaptic strengthand intrinsic excitability.
23 of 50
Thiol redox status in critically ill patients
24 of 50
Refining the roles of genetic, environmental, and endogenous factors in Factor VIII activity levels.
25 of 50
Race Differences in Hemodynamics and Cardiovascular Reactivity to Mental Stress
26 of 50
Changes in VGLUT1 Synaptic Connectivity and Presynaptic Inhibition Following Nerve Crush
27 of 50
Downslope walking and the H-reflex pathway: dose-response effect and generalizability
28 of 50
Conditioning Slowed Breathing for Relaxation in the Rat
29 of 50
The Role of Dopamine in the Development of Myopia
30 of 50
Lithium-mediated Elongation of Renal Cilia
31 of 50
Localization of Cav3.1 T-Type calcium channels in the thalamus of normal and parkinsonian monkeys: light and electron microscopic immunocytochemistry using subtype-specificantibodies
32 of 50
Electric Field Sensor-based Characterization of Mouse Physiology and Behavior in the Home Cage: Variability Before and After Spinal Cord Injury
33 of 50
Long-lasting and widespread effects of fructose on behavior, metabolism, and cytokine gene expression: Insight from in vivo and in vitro studies
34 of 50
The role of excitatory neurotransmission in the induction of homeostatic synaptic plasticity
35 of 50
Warmth-insensitive fields: a tool for the psychophysical study of innocuous and noxious thermal perception
36 of 50
The effect of spinal cord injury on C-fiber low-threshold mechanoreceptors and sensory afferents that transiently express tyrosine hydroxylase
37 of 50
PTSD Severity and Neurovascular Responses to Device Guided Slow Breathing: Acute and Long-term Effects
38 of 50
Morphological Characterization of Thoracic Paravertebral Post-Ganglionic Neurons during Development in the Mouse
39 of 50
IL6 Mediated Activation of the Mineralocorticoid Receptor via Rac1 and Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) in Hypertension
40 of 50
Does Lidocaine Cause False Positive Results on Cocaine Urine Drug Screen?
41 of 50
The effect of the Val66Met BDNF polymorphism on axon regeneration after peripheral nerve injury
42 of 50
Integrin Signaling in the Vascular Endothelium
43 of 50
A Prospective Investigation of the Associations Between Mild Traumatic Brain Injury, Gonadal Steroid Hormones, and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
44 of 50
Anatomical survey of paravertebral sympathetic chain in adult mice
45 of 50
Determining the mechanism and clinical relevance of sphingomyelinase-mediated decreases in transepithelial CFTR current in primary bronchial epithelial cells
46 of 50
Bisphosphonate-conjugated silica nanoparticle internalization and localization patterns in osteoclast and osteoblast precursor cells
47 of 50
Characterization of Thoracic Sympathetic Postganglionic Neurons
48 of 50
Differential Ubiquitination of Profilin-1 in Hypoxia-induced Pulmonary Hypertension
49 of 50
The Role of Mechanosensitive KLK10 in Endothelial Biology and Atherosclerosis
50 of 50