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Rollins School of Public Health
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A Qualitative Analysis Exploring the Risk of Gender Based Violence Against Syrian Refugee Women in Jordan
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Factors Influencing PrEP Interest among Women at Community Family Planning Clinics in Georgia
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Household Air Pollution (PM2.5) and Blood Pressure in Non-Hypertensive Adult Women Living in the Highlands of Peru
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Health of the “Poto Mitan:” Women’s Experiences of Stress, Trauma and Mental Health Outcomes in Léogâne, Haiti
4 of 25
Patterns in the Effect of Iron Supplementation, Deworming Medication, and Antimalarial Drug Intake on Anemia in Women of Reproductive Age in Sub-Saharan Africa: Review of Demographic and Health Survey Data
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Coming up short: Women's empowerment and stunting in children 6 to
23 months in Sierra Leone
6 of 25
"People Insult Her as Sexy Woman:" Sexuality,
Stigma and Reproductive Health among Widowed and Divorced
Women‐‐Documenting Social Change in Oromiya,
7 of 25
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Predicting Condom Use among Latina Women Using the
Social-Ecological Model
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A Systematic Review of NHLBI-funded Cardiovascular Clinical Trials and the Impact of the NIH Revitalization Act on the Enrollment of Women and Reporting of Sex-Specific Outcomes in Primary Findings Publications
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Intimacy and Infidelity: Using the Theory of Gender and Power to
better understand the sexual realities of African American
adolescent women
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Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors of Low-Income Women considered
High Priority for Receiving the Novel Influenza A (H1N1) Vaccine
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Association between Serum Folate Levels and Depression in Reproductive Aged U.S. Women, NHANES (2011-2012)
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Understanding intimate partner violence, HIV, and community based resources through a spatial lens among women in Atlanta, GA
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Women and HIV in Mexico: An exploratory analysis about experiences, expectations and health care needs in Oaxaca, Mexico
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"A Living Death": A Qualitative Assessment of Quality of Life
among Women with Severe Trachoma in Rural Niger
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Frequency and Types of Intimate Partner Violence and Symptoms of
Gynecologic Morbidity among Married Indian Women
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Factors Correlated with Self-Reported History of Fetal Death amongUrban, HIV-positive US Women
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Paleolithic and Mediterranean Diet Pattern Scores and Risk of
Incident Colorectal Cancer in Iowa Women, 1986-2012
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Characterizing the Impact of Integrase Strand-Transfer Inhibitors on Metabolic in Women Living with HIV Using Two Modeling Approaches
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Predictive Factors for HIV Seroconversion Among Women Attending an Urban Health Clinic: a Matched Case Control Study in Atlanta, GA
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BPA Levels in Atlanta-Area African American Women: A Tale of Two Communities
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A qualitative exploration of women’s sanitation-related bodily integrity, safety, and privacy in Kampala, Uganda
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PrEP Awareness and Use among Reproductive Age Women in Miami, Florida
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Using Rapid Qualitative Analysis to Assess PrEP Implementation Strategies in Title X Family Planning Clinics within Metro Atlanta
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