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Biology, Neuroscience
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Regulation of mGluR3 by the Proteasome and Cellular Stress:
Implications for the Treatment of Schizophrenia
1 of 48
Psychosocial stress induces distinct physiological and behavioral
phenotypes in female rhesus monkeys
2 of 48
The Role of mGlu1/5 Signaling and Fragile X Mental Retardation
Protein for Cell Surface Expression of the potassium channel Kv4.2
3 of 48
Autism, lateralization, and handedness: a review of the
literature and meta-analysis
4 of 48
Reward Dependence: Personality and Neurological Correlates of
Social Behavior
5 of 48
Adeno-associated Viral Vector Delivery of Clostridial Tetanus Toxin
Light Chain for Clinical Use
6 of 48
Expanding the Window of Opportunity: Intransal Delivery of Wnt
3a and Whisker Stimulation in the Ischemic Stroke Mouse Model
7 of 48
Enhanced Sensorimotor Functional Recovery and Neurovascular
Regeneration after Stroke with Chronic Citalopram Treatment
8 of 48
On the mechanisms of presynaptic inhibition of primary afferents
9 of 48
Impact of sapropterin (tetrahydrobiopterin, BH4) treatment, with
and without diet liberalization, on monoamine status and quality of
life in a phenylketonuria (PKU) cohort
10 of 48
Hormone-Dependent Modulation of Auditory Processing and Selectivity
in a Seasonally Breeding Songbird
11 of 48
Cellular oxygen-sensing through HIF-1α and NF-κB: A
therapeutic target for ischemia.
12 of 48
ii Loss Aversion in Major Depressive Disorder
13 of 48
The Role of RGS14 in Learning, Memory, and Synaptic Plasticity
14 of 48
Emotion Regulation and the Brain: The Reappraisal of Positive
and Negative Images in School-Age Girls
15 of 48
The Behavioral, Hormonal, and Neural Correlates of Cognitive
Control in Response to Sexual Interference Stimuli in Fathers and
16 of 48
Modulators of behavioral sensitivity to cocaine following
dopamine β-hydroxylase (DBH) inhibition
17 of 48
Characterization of LR11/SorLA in Mild Cognitive Impairment
18 of 48
Spatiotemporal organization of muscle activity throughout human
postural responses
19 of 48
Hippocampal Dependence for Relational Memory and Context Rich
Scenes in Rhesus macaques
20 of 48
Vascular Involvement with Bilateral Connectivity in BOLD and
CBV-Weighted Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Rat
Somatosensory System
21 of 48
Signaling and Regulation of the Polymicrogyria-associated receptor
GPR56: A Model Biochemical Study of the Adhesion G Protein-coupled
Receptor Family
22 of 48
Bidirectional control of dendritic mRNA translation, glutamate
receptor expression, and synapse structure by the CPEB-associated
polyadenylation machinery
23 of 48
Birdsong: Is it music to their ears?
24 of 48
Are there two kinds of auditory imagery?
25 of 48
Steroidal regulation of vasotocin receptor mRNA in a seasonally
breeding songbird
26 of 48
The Role of Ovarian Steroids in the Glucocorticoid Receptor
27 of 48
The Neural Coding of Loss
28 of 48
Object Recognition Memory and Gamma Synchrony in the Rat
29 of 48
The Effect of Maternal Maltreatment on the Prefrontal Cognitive
Function of Juvenile Rhesus Monkeys
30 of 48
Toxicity and solubility of mutant superoxide dismutase 1 in
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
31 of 48
Effects of Toxoplasma Serointensity on Cognitive Function
Amongst Schizophrenic Patients
32 of 48
Radiogenomic Analysis of Clinically Relevant MRI Features in
Glioblastoma Multiforme
33 of 48
Ventromedial Thalamic Lesions Alter Cognitive Performance in Rats
34 of 48
The long-term effects of prenatal stress and/or antidepressant
exposure in rats
35 of 48
Mechanisms of GluN2D subunit-specific control of synaptic signaling
36 of 48
Effects of Glutamate Receptor Activation on Gld2-Dependent
Synthesis of CaMKIIα and NMDA Receptor Subunits
37 of 48
Effects of 5-HT2A Receptor Antagonism on Cocaine
Self-administration, Cocaine-induced Reinstatement, and
Cocaine-induced Dopamine Overflow in Rhesus Monkeys
38 of 48
39 of 48
The effect of treadmill training on synaptic stripping from
axotomized motoneurons in mice
40 of 48
Stem cells and optogenetics: novel approaches for the treatment of
focal ischemic stroke in adult mice
41 of 48
Functional Characterization of Anoctamins, a Novel Family of
Transmembrane Proteins
42 of 48
Functional characterization of the interaction of TAR DNA binding
protein 43 (TDP-43) and poly(A) binding protein nuclear 1 (PABPN1)
43 of 48
Cutaneus Trunci Muscle Reflex as a Model for Neural Plasticity
after Spinal Cord Injury
44 of 48
Local NMDA Antagonism Prevents Inversion of Dopamine Responses
in Striatal Medium Spiny Neurons in the Parkinsonian Macaque
45 of 48
Identifying Novel Therapeutic Strategies for Enhancing Social
Cognition Using Functional Animal Models
46 of 48
Investigation of the Functional Role of BMP Signaling in Zebrafish
ENS Development
47 of 48
Regulation of A-type potassium channel Kv4.2 expression by FMRP and
48 of 48