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Resisting the Margins: Black Lesbian Self-Definition andEpistemology
1 of 20
The Mythology of the Meme: Tracing the Body and Soul inPhilosophical and Theological Mythmaking
2 of 20
There and Back Again: A Journey Through the Regional TheatreMovement in the United States
3 of 20
Using Single Molecule FRET to Study Hepatitis C Virus NS3h andNS3-NS4A Helicase Unwinding
4 of 20
James J. Kilpatrick The Changing Views of a Southern NewspaperEditor on School Desegregation
5 of 20
Determining SPE-16 interacting proteins during Caenorhabditiselegans spermatogenesis
6 of 20
"Cross-Strait Relations: An Application of Liberal Peace Theory"
7 of 20
"Babies Havin' Babies": Examining Visual Representations of Teenage Pregnancy, 1960-1996
8 of 20
The Dynamic Relationship between the Exchange Rate of the Yen/USDand the Stock Prices in the Financial Market of United States
9 of 20
Interpreting On and Off-Screen Lesbianism: A Case Study of EmoryUniversity College Students
10 of 20
The Efficacy and Endocytosis of uPAR-targeted Quantum Dots
11 of 20
Predicting Disease Comorbidity by Mining Large Text Corpora
12 of 20
How Stasi Silenced the Streets: The Protests of the 2003-2004French Headscarf Affair
13 of 20
Determinants of Marta Ridership: How Gas Prices, Income, and Race Affect Public Transit Use in Atlanta
14 of 20
The New British Nature Writing: Seamus Heaney and Roger Deakin'sEcological Archive
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Home Grown: Ngöbe Home Gardens in a Changing World
16 of 20
Transfer of aphid secondary symbionts within sympatric insectcommunities and the effect of ingesting symbionts on ladybirdbeetles
17 of 20
Photostimulation Induces New Gene Transcription inGonadotropin-releasing Hormone Somata in a Seasonally BreedingSongbird
18 of 20
Taking Up Arms: A Study of Ethnicity, Inequality, and Poverty asPredictors of Conflict
19 of 20
Assessment of a Novel Visuospatial Memory Test
20 of 20