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Emory College
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Honors Thesis
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Resisting the Margins: Black Lesbian Self-Definition andEpistemology
1 of 40
The Mythology of the Meme: Tracing the Body and Soul inPhilosophical and Theological Mythmaking
2 of 40
There and Back Again: A Journey Through the Regional TheatreMovement in the United States
3 of 40
Using Single Molecule FRET to Study Hepatitis C Virus NS3h andNS3-NS4A Helicase Unwinding
4 of 40
James J. Kilpatrick The Changing Views of a Southern NewspaperEditor on School Desegregation
5 of 40
Determining SPE-16 interacting proteins during Caenorhabditiselegans spermatogenesis
6 of 40
"Cross-Strait Relations: An Application of Liberal Peace Theory"
7 of 40
"Babies Havin' Babies": Examining Visual Representations of Teenage Pregnancy, 1960-1996
8 of 40
The Dynamic Relationship between the Exchange Rate of the Yen/USDand the Stock Prices in the Financial Market of United States
9 of 40
Interpreting On and Off-Screen Lesbianism: A Case Study of EmoryUniversity College Students
10 of 40
The Efficacy and Endocytosis of uPAR-targeted Quantum Dots
11 of 40
Predicting Disease Comorbidity by Mining Large Text Corpora
12 of 40
How Stasi Silenced the Streets: The Protests of the 2003-2004French Headscarf Affair
13 of 40
Determinants of Marta Ridership: How Gas Prices, Income, and Race Affect Public Transit Use in Atlanta
14 of 40
The New British Nature Writing: Seamus Heaney and Roger Deakin'sEcological Archive
15 of 40
Home Grown: Ngöbe Home Gardens in a Changing World
16 of 40
Transfer of aphid secondary symbionts within sympatric insectcommunities and the effect of ingesting symbionts on ladybirdbeetles
17 of 40
Photostimulation Induces New Gene Transcription inGonadotropin-releasing Hormone Somata in a Seasonally BreedingSongbird
18 of 40
Taking Up Arms: A Study of Ethnicity, Inequality, and Poverty asPredictors of Conflict
19 of 40
Assessment of a Novel Visuospatial Memory Test
20 of 40
The Effect of Music on Attentional Tasks in Mild CognitiveImpairment Patients and Cognitively Normal Older Adults
21 of 40
The Occult as Narrative and Thematic Device in James Joyce'sUlysses
22 of 40
Charm or Harm: The Effect of an American Southern Accent onAttitude and Comprehension
23 of 40
Molecular Design of 2,9-disubstituted-1,10-phenanthroline Gold(III) Complexes: Inhibiting Thioredoxin Reductase and InvestigatingCytotoxicity
24 of 40
A Typology of Sonority Sequences in Word-Final Consonant Clusters
25 of 40
Gloves & Grease
26 of 40
Limit sets of Kleinian groups: properties, parameters, andpictures
27 of 40
The Politics of Nomenclature: An Analysis of Language in GovernmentSpeeches, Laws and Popular Discourse in Argentina from 1976-2007
28 of 40
How Attitudes Regarding Consumer Indebtedness and Durable GoodsAffected Household Expenditure, 1920-1937
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Rape in Medieval England: A Legal History, 1272-1307
30 of 40
Tocqueville on the Political and Intellectual Effects of theTyranny of the Majority
31 of 40
A High-Fat, High-Calorie Diet Can Reduce the Expression ofAnxiety in Socially Housed Female RhesusMacaques
32 of 40
Unscrambling the Eggs: Eastern Air Lines, Delta Air Lines, and theDeregulated Era
33 of 40
Effects of High Frequency Electrical Stimulation of the InfralimbicCortex on Cellular Activity in the Rodent Brain
34 of 40
Optimized Delivery of C3 Transferase by Lentiviral Vectors forCNS Injury Therapy
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Crashing into Us: The Impact of Globalization on IndividualAttitudes About Free Enterprise, Government, and Human Rights
36 of 40
Feminist Approaches to Epidemiological Research and Interventions:Addressing the HIV/AIDS Epidemic among African American Women
37 of 40
Therapeutic Sealing with Drama Therapy: An Integration ofTheatrical Catharsis and Scientific Practice
38 of 40
"Il Toscano Non È Un Dialetto": Variation in ItalianLanguage Attitudes
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Heuristic Based Extraction of Causal Relations from Annotated Causal Cue Phrases
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