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Investigation of factors associated with circulating gamma-tocopherol concentrations
1 of 50
Evaluation of the effects of clean-burning cookstoves on indoor air pollution and their effects on acute respiratory diseases among children
2 of 50
Regimen Complexity in Aging HIV-Infected Veterans: Data from HAVACS
3 of 50
Associations of Nut Intakes with Incident Sporadic Colorectal Adenoma Risk: A Pooled Case-Control Study
4 of 50
Monitoring and addressing determinants of vaccine utilization in low and middle income country settings: parental attitude scales and vaccine reminder interventions
5 of 50
Trends in U.S. Community Hospitalizations Due to Herpes Zoster: 2001-2015
6 of 50
An exploratory analysis of factors associated with interest in postpartum intrauterine device (IUD) uptake among pregnant women and couples in Kigali, Rwanda
7 of 50
Understanding HIV disparities by examining trends and partnership characteristics in racial/ethnic and sexual minorities in the United States
8 of 50
Monocyte-to-lymphocyte ratio is associated with tuberculosis disease and declines with anti-TB treatment in HIV-infected children
9 of 50
Investigating Genetic Predictors of Inhibitors among Persons with Hemophilia
10 of 50
Features of placental morphology, fetal growth, and adverse cognitive outcomes in childhood
11 of 50
Long-term Survival for Arterial vs. Atrial Switch in d-Transposition of the Great Arteries: A Report from the Pediatric Cardiac Care Consortium
12 of 50
Epidemiology and Prediction of Injuries in the National Football League (NFL)
13 of 50
Usual adult occupation and risk of Prostate Cancer in West African men: The Ghana Prostate Study
14 of 50
Type 2 diabetes, breast cancer specific and overall mortality: associations by metformin use and modification by race, body mass, estrogen receptor, and menopausal status
15 of 50

Association of Oral Anticoagulant Type with Risk of Dementia among Patients with Atrial Fibrillation
16 of 50
Association of Postpartum Hormonal Contraception Use with Postpartum Depression
17 of 50

Racial Differences in Patient Perceived Barriers to Starting the Pre-Kidney Transplant Evaluation
18 of 50
Transgender Treatment Ascertained from Electronic Medical Records and Survey Results: An Analysis of Disagreement
19 of 50
Effect of Antibiotic Stewardship Program Intensity and Outpatient Antibiotic Prescribing Rates on the Variability in Prevalence of Antibiotic-Resistant Phenotypes between U.S. States
20 of 50
The role of incident syphilis infection on HIV transmission in Zambian HIV discordant couples, 1994-2012
21 of 50
Examining the impact of heterogeneity in timing of health seeking behavior on the power to detect seasonal effects of disease, using Buruli ulcer as the example
22 of 50
Socio-Behavioral Predictors of Vaginal Lactobacillus Dominance in Pregnant African American Women
23 of 50
Factors Associated with Mosquito Net Ownership and Use in Haiti, December 2014-February 2015
24 of 50
Adverse Childhood Experiences, Adolescent Unintended Pregnancy, and Perceived Stress Levels in Adolescence
25 of 50
Assessing the Validity of Sexual Network Degree Among Men Who Have Sex with Men Using Prospective Cohort Data
26 of 50
Polyvictimization and HIV Testing Behavior in Malawi
27 of 50
Depression Prevalence, Treatment Status, and Association with HIV Viral Suppression among Adults Living With HIV in Care in the United States, 2009-2014
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Epigenetic Association with Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) among HIV-infected Individuals
29 of 50
The Prevalence of Annual HIV Testing among men who have sex with men within the United States and its Association with HIV Testing Location
30 of 50
Differences in sexual orientation disclosure across age groups in MSM
31 of 50
Discriminant Validity and the Prevalence of Depression Among Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease
32 of 50
Diarrhea and the urban environment in India: a cross-section and longitudinal analysis
33 of 50
Efficacy of Two Hand Hygiene Interventions at Reducing Hand Contamination Among Produce Farmworkers in Northern Mexico
34 of 50
Evaluation of the 2014-2016 Droughts on Provision of Prehospital Services in the Kingdom of Swaziland
35 of 50
Adolescent Mother Behaviors in Malawi, A Five-Year Comparison
36 of 50
Opioid prescription patterns among pregnant women on Medicaid in Montana and effect on adverse birth outcomes
37 of 50
Effects of Supplemental Calcium and Vitamin D on Toll-like Receptor 5 (TLR5) Expression in the Stroma of the Normal-Appearing Rectal Mucosa of Colorectal Adenoma Patients
38 of 50
DNA Methylation Markers of Type 2 Diabetes among HIV-infected and Uninfected Individuals
39 of 50
Impact of provider and patient characteristics on unnecessary antibiotic prescribing in The Emory Clinic outpatient setting, October 2015 – September 2017
40 of 50
Factors associated with HIV prevalence among persons experiencing homelessness in Fulton County, Atlanta
41 of 50
Effect of Surgical Margins on Overall Survival in Resectable Pancreatic Cancer
42 of 50
A trend analysis of Vibrio vulnificus Mortality, Using the Cholera and Other Vibrio Illness Surveillance System
43 of 50
Factors associated with participation in mass drug administration of azithromycin for trachoma control in Amhara, Ethiopia
44 of 50
Quality of Life Factors Influencing Post-Diagnosis Change in BMI in a Cohort of Breast Cancer Patients
45 of 50
Association Between Population-Level Secretor Status Prevalence and Genogroup 2 Genotype 4 Norovirus Prevalence
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Evaluating the Efficacy of Stratified Sampling with Proportional Allocation for Estimation of Trachoma Prevalence in Sudan
47 of 50
Comorbidities and Risk of Admission Following an Emergency Department Presentation for an Opioid Overdose, United States, 2014
48 of 50
Fitbit® Feasibility, Acceptability, and Utility for Research among Pediatric Cancer Survivors
49 of 50
Association of Prenatal Stressful Life Events with Depression and Post-Traumatic Stress 6-36 Months After Stillbirth
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