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The Next Larger Thing: The “Open” Work at Mid-century
1 of 10
Constructions of Value through Primitivism and Authenticity in African Art Auction Catalogues, 2000–2020
2 of 10
Saving Roman Painting: The Antiquarian Reproductions of Pietro Santi Bartoli (1635-1700)
3 of 10
The Architecture of Red Los Angeles: Building Low-Cost Housing Communities for a Postwar Future, 1940-1960
4 of 10
Drawing on the Tablet of the Heart: Iconography and the Shape and Shaping of the Psalter
5 of 10
Word, Image, and Copy: The Reception of Hrabanus Maurus's "In honorem sanctae crucis," c. 810-1600 CE
6 of 10
Seeing Visions with the Prophet: Toward an Iconographic Hermeneutic of Joel
7 of 10
Barbaric Beasts: Visual Representations of Barbarians and the Book of Revelation
8 of 10
Faces of David: Late Antique and Medieval David Cycles in East and West
9 of 10
Roman Imperial Cinerary Urns: Production and Display
10 of 10