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Nou bezwen anpil chita (We will need many chairs):Perceptions of and attitudes towards suicide in rural Haiti
1 of 20
A Deterministic and Probabilistic Analyses of the CarbonTetrachloride Contaminant Plume in Groundwater at the Former UnionCarbide India Limited Factory in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India
2 of 20
Intentions to quit smoking among daily smokers and consistent andconverted nondaily college student smokers
3 of 20
Breastfeeding is not an independent predictor ofinter‐pregnancy interval in a population with high prevalenceof contraception
4 of 20
Deconstructing Adherence: Understanding patient and providerperceptions of iron and folic acid supplements to promotealternative solutions for maternal anemia in Ayacucho, Peru
5 of 20
History of Treatment with Antacid Medication Increases Prevalence of Diagnosis of Food Allergy in Children
6 of 20
Exhaled breath malondialdehyde as a biomarker of effect of exposureto traffic-related air pollution
7 of 20
The association between childhood trauma and breastfeeding for a
sample of women from Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
8 of 20
The Differential Effects of Exercise on Cancer-Related Fatigue in Cancer Patients During and Following Treatment: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
9 of 20
Primary Diagnoses Associated with Increased Risk of Hospital Onset
Clostridium difficile Infection
10 of 20
Medical Costs in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS): A Sample of
Registry-Based Cases
11 of 20
The Influence of Interfamilial Power on Family Planning and
Maternal Health Care in Mali: Perspectives of Women, Men, and
12 of 20
Group B Streptococcus Colonization is Associated with Early
Term Births
13 of 20
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in China:
Emergency Action Plan
14 of 20
Prevalence of Anemia and Malnutrition among Refugee Children
entering DeKalb County, Georgia
15 of 20
Stemming the tide: A study of technical and perceived quality of
care and their associations with maternal health determinants
16 of 20
2 The Renin-Angiotensin Pathway in PTSD: the association between
ACE inhibitor and ARB medications and traumatic stress symptoms
17 of 20
Mental Health and Suicide Among Women in Jumla, Nepal: A
Qualitative Exploration
18 of 20
Connecting Race, Place and HIV Prevalence: A County-Level Analysis
19 of 20
An Educational Program to Train Emergency Medicine Residents in
Pre-hospital Direct Medical Direction
20 of 20