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Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu (“A person is a person because of others”): A Cross-Sectional Multilevel Analysis Evaluating Social Cohesion as a Protective Factor Against Depression Among South African Adults
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Calculating the Age Distributions and Reproduction Numbers (R0) of Infection with Enteric Pathogens among Children in Low- and Middle-Income Country Settings.
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Associations between Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Combat Exposure, and COVID-19 Post Acute Sequalae among War Veterans
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The Predictive Ability of a Partial Pneumonia Severity Index Score on the Receipt of Corticosteroids Outside of the Hospital for Pneumonia in Immunocompetent U.S. Adult
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Correlates of STI Uptake and Diagnoses among Transfeminine People
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Algorithm Selection for Estimating Causal Effects: An example using the Nulliparous Pregnancy Outcomes Study: Monitoring Mothers to Be
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Early childhood exposures in relation to fragile X-associated primary ovarian insufficiency (FXPOI)
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The Association of COVID-19-Related Financial Difficulties and Adjuvant Endocrine Therapy Adherence in Women with Early-Stage Breast Cancer
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Self-Reported on Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) Without Detectable Antiretrovirals (ARVs): Implications for Adherence in Zimbabwe based on the Zimbabwe Population-based HIV Impact Assessment (ZIMPHIA), 2015-2016 and 2020
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Sexual Orientation, Healthcare Access, and Structural Stigma
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Urban-Rural Difference In Childhood Weight Change In The United States
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Characteristics of Skilled Nursing Facilities Associated with Healthcare-Associated Infections Requiring Hospitalization, October 1, 2020 - September 31, 2021
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Unraveling the Impact of Fuzzy Similarity Algorithms on Missing Data Imputation of Heart Bypass Surgery Cohort
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A Bayesian Hierarchical Excess Mortality Model to Assess the Total Impact of COVID-19 on Opioid Users
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Modeling and Statistical Analyses Probing the Heterogeneity in Individual Change Points in Longitudinal Cognitive Outcomes
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Investigating Missing Data Mechanisms in Substance Abuse Research: Analyzing the Missing-Not-At-Random (MNAR) Pattern of ‘Return to Use’ Data
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Assessing the Impact of Misclassification in Case-Control Studies: An Examination of Bayesian Credible Intervals
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Estimation of Cognitive Ability in Longitudinal IRT using Univariate Composite Likelihood: Application to the Emory Healthy Brain Study
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Identification of Spatially Variable Genes (SVGs)
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Machine learning for estimating and comparing clinical rules for treating diarrheal illness with antibiotics
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Correlation between biomarkers associated with Alzheimer's disease and the cognitive practice effect
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Spatial Associations between Measures of Public Transportation and Diabetic Foot Ulcer Outcomes in the State of Georgia – 2016-2019
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Kidney Function: Outdoor vs. Indoor Hispanic Agricultural Workers
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A Density Ratio Super Learner
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Evaluation of Missing Data and Imputation Methods in Environmental Mixtures Analyses using Weighted Quantile Sum regression and Quantile g-computation
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Efficient quantification of pattern similarity between spatial genomics and cell morphology
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Discrepancies in Measured Ethylene Oxide Levels at a Georgia Sampling Site
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Association between Fine Particulate Matter Exposure and Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers of Alzheimer’s Disease among a Cognitively Healthy Population-based Brain Cohort
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The Relationship Between Energy Burden and Cardiovascular Disease Mortality in Georgia between 2018 and 2020
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Assessing the Air Quality and Health Impacts of Decarbonization Strategies in Connecticut
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Characteristics of Vasectomy Recipients in the United States During the COVID-19 Pandemic
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Exploring the Associations of Playing Surface and Lower Extremity Injuries Among National Football League Players
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Analysis of Relationship between Participant Characteristics and Phenotypic Resistance to Second-Line Anti-Tuberculosis Drugs in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
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Characterizing the microbial load on the hands of children and students: a Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis
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The Association between Ambient Heat Exposure and Pediatric Mental Health, Modified by Individual Socioeconomic Status
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The Long-Term Impact of Subclinical Shigella Infections on Environmental Enteropathy in Children Under 2
36 of 100
Acculturation and Asthma Management and Outcome Among Californian Hispanic Adults
37 of 100
Modelling the Interplay between Responsive Individual Vaccination Decisions and the Spread of SARS-CoV-2
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COVID-19 Associated Changes in Pediatric Preventive Care Utilization
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Association Study between Diseases and Human Tissue-Specific Epigenomes
40 of 100
Application of Machine Learning Algorithms for Estimating Daily PM2.5 Concentrations
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The association between neighborhood deprivation and DNA methylation in an autopsy cohort
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Acculturation and diabetes care utilization among Asian Americans with diabetes
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Genome-wide TWAS of brain and blood tissues identifies novel risk genes for Alzheimer’s disease dementia
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Multi-tissue differential expression analyses between proxy case and control samples
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Clustering the Liver Measures of Women Living with HIV
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A benchmark of rare cell type detection methods for single-cell RNA sequencing data
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Bias in Vaccine Effectiveness Estimation Under Changing Testing Probabilities When Using the Test-Negative Design
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Selection bias and permutation tests in fMRI
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Adjusting for selective attrition in a longitudinal study assessing the rate of cognitive decline
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Dynamic prediction of survival status in patients undergoing cardiac catheterization using a joint modeling approach
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Evaluating the performance of maximum likelihood estimation in a discriminant function framework to account for non-detectable exposure measurements in matched case-control studies
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Assessing differential loss to follow-up and future implementation of a sexual health app intervention for men who have sex with men: a secondary survival analysis of a randomized control trial
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Associations between short-term exposure to ambient air pollution and emergency department visits for cardiovascular diseases in thirteen U.S. cities
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Assessing Indicators of State Capacity for Harmful Algal Bloom Reporting Since the Launch of the CDC One Health Harmful Algal Bloom System in 2016
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The Association Between the Orphan Drug Tax Credit Reduction and the Orphan Drug Pipeline
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Obesity and COVID-19: An analysis of the relationship between obesity and outcomes of tracheostomy secondary to COVID-19
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Neighborhood Accessibility as a Socio-Environmental Determinant in Kidney Transplant Health Services
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Cervical Cancer Mortality & Screening: Two Analyses using BRFSS Data
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Molecular Epidemiology of a Type 4 Dengue Virus Outbreak in Paraguay, 2019-2020
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Entomological impact of targeted indoor residual spraying on Aedes aegypti density and age structure
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Vulnerability, Resilience, and Disaster Response in a Warming World: Considering Climate Adaptation Finance and Humanitarian Aid in Tandem
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Heat Exposure and Emergency Department Visits for Sepsis in Phoenix, Arizona
63 of 100
Determining Safe NPI Relaxation Strategy in India During the Delta and Omicron Waves of COVID-19: Findings from a Two-Strain COVID-19 Transmission model
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Rotavirus Genotypes over Time in Vaccine-Introducing and Non-Introducing Countries
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Enteric Disease Incidence in Georgia Following Extreme Rain and Drought Events
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Association of safety and security, privacy, and health with sanitation-related withholding and suppression among women in urban Uganda and India
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Implications of broadband internet access for telehealth provision at outpatient mental health facilities
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The Association Between Residential Segregation and Hospital Readmissions Penalties
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Risk Perception and Vaccine Uptake: An analysis of changes in vaccination coverage and new vaccinations before and after the US COVID-19 Delta-Surge
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Racial and Socioeconomic Differences in Infection Control Quality at Dialysis Centers
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Prediction of CBC Hemoglobin Levels for Preterm Infants: Evaluation of Anatomic Regions for Smartphone Photos
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Time-series Analysis of Seasonal Influenza Activity and Preterm Birth in Atlanta, Georgia from 2010 to 2015
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Bayesian Functional Genome-wide Association Study using Standardized Individual-level and Summary-level GWAS Data
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Pilot investigation of treatment effect modification by vitamin D binding protein isoforms on calcium and vitamin D effects on biomarkers of risk for colorectal cancer in the normal-appearing colorectal mucosa of colorectal adenoma patients
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The Association between ambient temperature and snakebites in Georgia
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In-utero exposure to polybrominated biphenyl (PBB) and menstrual cycle function in adulthood
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Maternal night shift work is associated with stochastic epigenetic mutations (SEMs) in the placenta
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The Association of Urinary Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Metabolites and C-Reactive Protein Levels in the HAPIN Trial
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Mathematical Modeling of Thyroid Hormone Metabolism in the Human Liver
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Application and Interpretation of Dengue Fever Diagnostic and Prognostic Modeling in Yucatan, Mexico With Random Forest and Logistic Regression
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Characteristics of Skilled Nursing Facilities Associated with Resident COVID-19 Cumulative Incidence Rate in Georgia, USA: May 31, 2020 – January 31, 2021
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The Impact of COVID-19 on Education Experiences of High School Students in Semi-Rural Georgia
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Computational Construction of Gene Regulatory Network and Trajectory of Developing Midbrain Dopaminergic Neurons Perturbed by Insecticides
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Long-term exposure to low-level NO2 and mortality in the southeastern US
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Availability of sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) information in a cohort of transgender and gender diverse people: An analysis of electronic health records
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Impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions for COVID-19 on norovirus outbreaks in the United States July 2012–December 2020
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Factors associated with awareness and usage of safer sex functions in dating apps among MSM, 2019 American Men’s Internet Survey (AMIS) study.
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Quantifying the Risk of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Essential Food Workers: A Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment Approach
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Health Effects of Air Pollutant Mixtures on Overall Mortality Among the Elderly Population Using Bayesian Kernel Machine Regression (BKMR)
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High-resolution metabolomics of diffuse large B-cell and follicular lymphomas: A pilot case-control study
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High-resolution metabolomics of exposure to tobacco smoke during pregnancy and adverse birth outcomes in the Atlanta African American Maternal-Child cohort
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Association of atrial fibrillation with severity of coronary artery disease: the Emory Cardiovascular Biobank (EmCAB)
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Quantifying the relationships between measures of facial and hand cleanliness and household WASH conditions, psychosocial factors, and personal hygiene practices from the Andilaye Trial
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Associations of DNA methylation with biomarkers of liver function among male veterans living with HIV
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The effect of ambient air pollution on term birth weight and preterm birth in Kansas, 2005-2013
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Metabolome-Wide Association Study of the Relationship Between Insecticide Exposure and First Trimester Serum Metabolite Levels in North Thailand Women
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The Application of Spatial Regression Analysis in Examining the Relationship Between Drinking Water Contaminants and Cancer Incidence Rates in Iowa and Illinois
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Preterm birth, stillbirth and ambient air pollution in Georgia, 2006 to 2013
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Statistical Inference Concerning Minimal Mortality of Patients with Congenital Heart Defects after Surgical Repair
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