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Whole-blood transcriptional signatures of different severity profiles in patients with influenza A H1N1 infection
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Genome-wide DNA methylation profile change in cancer cell lines under stresses
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Evaluating Statistical Approaches to Model Multi-Pollutant Mixtures on Common Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops Truncatus) Health Along the Eastern Coast of Florida and South Carolina
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Variable Selection of Neuroimaging Features in Mild Cognitive Impairment
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Powerful variance-component method for TWAS identifies novel and known risk genes for Alzheimer’s dementia
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Sub-tissue type eQTL analysis of GTEx data
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Genotype prediction based on the gene expression data using Random Forest
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Improved Algorithm for Independent Component Analysis (ICA) with the Relax and Split Approximation
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Hypothesis testing on the number of components in finite mixture models
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An Application of Bayesian Additive Regression Trees (BART) to Estimate Daily Concentrations of PM2.5 Components in California
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Stability of Inference Derived from Machine Learning-based Doubly Robust Estimators of Treatment Effects
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Machine learning Application in Longitudinal Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) Function Prediction
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Estimating and Comparing immune cell infiltration in cancer
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Consensus clustering of subclone structure for multi-sample sequencing data
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Comparisons of conditional logistic regression vs. a discriminant function approach in a case-control study where matching is performed
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Association between Lung Dose and Incidence of Pulmonary Toxicity after Total Body Irradiation
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Adverse Outcomes Associated with Beers List Medications Following Total Knee Replacement
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Assessment of Clustering of Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma in Metropolitan Atlanta
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Gene Profile Modeling and Integration for EWOC Phase I Clinical Trial Design While Fully Utilizing All Toxicity Information
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Estimating associations between high temperature and emergency department visits in six US cities with the use of 1-kilometer temperature products
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