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Remover Degree: M.P.H.
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Health Sciences, Public Health
Remover Research Field: Health Sciences, Public Health
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Patient and provider perspectives on how patient trust within the patient-provider relationship influences maternal vaccine acceptance among pregnant women in Kenya
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Association of Heart Failure Subtypes and Atrial fibrillation: Data from the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study
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Impact of developmental disability on school absenteeism in U.S. children aged 6-17 years: National Survey of Children’s Health, 2016-2017
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Comparing adolescent boys’ and girls’ perspectives on social norms surrounding child marriage in Nepal
4 of 100
The impact of the unemployment rate on infant mortality rate in the US, 2000-2016: the system Generalized Method of Moments approach.
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Association Between Anti-Human Trafficking Legislation Adherence and Prosecution Rates among 142 Countries from 2003-2011
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Vaccination Rates and Risk Factors Associated with Vaccine Compliance in Apartadó, Colombia
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Women’s reproductive health in ongoing humanitarian emergency A case study of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
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Modeling Improved Coverage of Rotavirus Vaccines
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Characteristics of Foodborne Disease Outbreak Investigations in Colorado with Known Food Vehicle, 2009 – 2019
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Mycotoxin exposure of infants through the breastmilk of mothers in western Kenya and associations with maternal and child nutrition.
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Exposure Assessment Policy Recommendation for Neurodevelopmental Testing in Communities Exposed to DDT Through Indoor Residual Spraying
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Measuring Sexual Violence Against Gender Minority Populations: A Systematic Review
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Evaluating differences in attempted and confirmed follow-up from Poison Centers following the Fukushima nuclear accident, 2012-2017.
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In-utero exposure to indoor air pollution or tobacco smoke and cognitive development in a South African birth cohort study
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Understanding and Assessing Impact of U.S. Short Term Missions
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Association between National Mandatory Flour Fortification Legislation and Anemia Prevalence Among Non-Pregnant Women of Reproductive Age: A Difference in Differences Approach
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Association of Objectively-Measured Physical Activity Patterns with Cardiovascular Risk Factors: a Pooled Analysis of National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2003-04 and 2005-06
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A Simple Cost Calculator for WASH in Kenyan Schools
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Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Seroprevalence Among HIV Negative Women of Childbearing Age at High Risk for HIV in Zambia
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Exploring Associations between Theory of Gender & Power Constructs and STI Risk among Detained African American Girls
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Unsafe abortion in Lomé, Togo: What do women report from their communities?
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Factors Associated with Undernutrition, Anemia, and Child Illness in 2014 Cambodia Demographic Health Survey
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Strengthening HPV Vaccination Communication Between Caregivers and Providers in Georgia
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Association of Diabetes Mellitus with Incident Dementia in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Cohort
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Lifestyle Counseling Trends in Ambulatory Care Settings: Results from National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS)
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Examining Prevalence of Nonmedical Prescription Opioid Use by Race and Ethnicity from 2015-2018 among a National Sample
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White supremacy: radicalization, deradicalization, and public health implications
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Assessment of Average Days Undervaccinated for U.S. Children Using the National Immunization Survey
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Seroconversion Rate for Post-Validation Surveillance of Trachoma
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Emory Religion and Health Summer Institute Needs Assessment
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“Our food may not be very safe, because now days everything uses chemicals:” Women’s Perceptions of Food Safety and Nutrition in Phnom Penh, Cambodia
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Comparative analysis of different maternal recall methods for assessing exclusive breastfeeding in the Southern Nations Nationalities and People’s Region, Ethiopia
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Understanding Femicide from the Perpetrators’ Perspective: Narratives around Gender, Violence and Identity in Buenos Aires
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Analysis of Dose-Specific Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination by Insurance Type Using the National Immunization Survey-Teen, 2015
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Examining the prevalence of extragenital STI testing in the past 12 months by demographic, clinical, and behavioral factors among young, black men who have sex with men—Atlanta, GA
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Key Stakeholder Perceptions of a Mobile HIV Care Model to Re-engage and Retain Out-of-care People Living with HIV in Atlanta, Georgia
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A Comprehensive Assessment of Pediatric COVID-19 in Atlanta, GA: Risk Factors for Infection and Severity Level, and the Role Children Play in Household Transmission
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Analyzing the association of the built and social environment with the prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) in Mexico City, Mexico
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Impact of Affordable Care Act on gender specific HPV Vaccine coverage: Analysis using NIS-Teen Data from 2008-2016
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Circumcision and Prostate Cancer Mortality in the Cancer Prevention Study-I
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The Association between HIF-1a Activity and Time to Breast Cancer Recurrence in the Danish Breast Cancer Cooperative Group
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Community-Driven Advocacy: Addressing COVID-19 Health Inequities and Increased Institutional Mistrust in Historically Oppressed Communities in the United States
43 of 100
Video Directly Observed Therapy for TB Treatment in Haitian Correctional Facilities
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Preventive care and Medical homes among children with heart conditions, National Survey on Children's Health 2016-2017
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Diabetes-related DNA Methylation of TXNIP Independently Associated with Inflammation
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Monitoring and Evaluation of Georgia Organics' Farm to School Program: A Special Studies Project
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An Examination of the Socio-Ecologic Factors Associated with Diabetes Status in Palau
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Kidney Graft Survival according to the Teaching Status of a Transplant Hospital
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“If men are sitting there, I will be scared and then go with fear”: A thematic analysis of women’s experiences of Bodily Integrity, Safety & Security, and Privacy in Tiruchirappalli, India
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“Boiling water but there's no pop-off valve”: Health care professionals’ perceptions of the effects of COVID-19 on Intimate Partner Violence
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The Acceptability and Feasibility of an Innovative Feeding Toolkit to Improve Infant and Young Child Feeding in Mbeya District, Tanzania
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Mental Health, Psychosocial Characteristics, and Well-Being among Healthcare Trainees
53 of 100
Analyses for the association between Business travel and BMI
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Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Practices and Socioeconomic Factors that Contribute to Diarrhea in School-Aged Children in the Moyamba District in Sierra Leone
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Prevalence of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Associated Health Outcomes Among Young Women and Men in Honduras
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Spatiotemporal surveillance of pediatric community-onset MRSA infections in Metro Atlanta using electronic health record data
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Characterization of Streptococcus pneumoniae isolates pre- and post-vaccine introduction in Brazil
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Estimating lifetime risk of varicella infection and future herpes zoster for select age and birth cohorts – United States, 1950-2060
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Comparative Analyses of Learning Management Systems, 2019
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Strategic Plan for Laboratory Scientist and Director Certification within African Union Member States
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Risk Factors Associated With Achieving Body Mass Index (BMI) Based Normal Nutritional Status Among Persons Living With HIV (PLHIV) that Underwent The Nutrition Assessment, Counseling and Support (NACS) Thrive Study in the Copperbelt and Eastern Provinces of Zambia From 2012-2017
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'It's like a burden on the head': Redefining Adequate Menstrual Hygiene Management Throughout Women's Life Course in Odisha, India
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Providers’ Perspectives of Georgia’s 22-Week Abortion Ban and its Sociocultural and Political Implications
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Developing Artificial Intelligence Tools using Mobile Networks for Management of Military Mass Casualties, Republic of Korea
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Resource Development for Improvement and Evaluation of a Behavioral Health Coaching Program using the 5 A’s for Mexican Nationals Living in the US: A Special Studies Project
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Mind the Gap: Realigning Unmet Need’s Measurement with its Interpretation
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Phthalate exposures in California over 2007-2018: estimates from municipal wastewater discharge reports
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Regimen Complexity in Aging HIV-Infected Veterans: Data from HAVACS
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Understanding Staff Burnout and Wellbeing Resources in Faith-based Humanitarian Organizations and Hilton Humanitarian Prize Laureates
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Epigenetic Associations of Circulating Interleukin 6 among People with HIV
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Association of Patient-Percieved Difficulty in Adherence and Actual Non-Adherence with Hemodialysis Treatment Recommendations
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Trends of authorship equity in global health research in infectious disease over the past two decades
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Bias in the workup for non-accidental trauma (NAT) in patients under age 1 brought to the emergency department for a reported fall that may be suspect for child abuse
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Perceived Discrimination and Autonomic Reactivity in the Midlife in the United States Study
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Patterns of Recurrence and Survival in Stage III Melanoma Patients: Implications for Follow-Up Guidelines
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Associations of diet and lifestyle factors with oxidative stress and inflammation biomarkers according to antioxidant enzyme and DNA repair genetic risk scores
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The Association between Serum/RBC Folate Levels, Serum Vitamin B12 Concentrations, and Malaria in non-Pregnant Women of Reproductive Age in Malawi
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PrEP and Sexual Well-Being: A Qualitative Study of the Impact of PrEP on Sexuality of MSM and the Effects of Sexual Health Care from PrEP Providers on PrEP Persistence
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Relationship Between Couple’s Acquaintance at Time of Marriage and Subsequent Female Autonomy Among Newly Married Couples in Urban Slums of Pune, India
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Integration of WASH and nutrition through the care group approach: A qualitative study of behavior change approaches in rural Western Kenya
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Trajectories of stigma among opioid dependent individuals in Ukraine: A comparison between individuals currently receiving opioid agonist treatment and those not in treatment
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A Standardized Method to Calculate the Number Needed to Vaccinate
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Assessing Geographic and Urban Disparities in Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Access and Care Among a Cohort of Men Who Have Sex with Men
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Association of Breast Cancer Treatment Type and Death due to Cardiovascular Disease Comparing Black Women to White Women
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Prevalence and Descriptive Epidemiology of Congenital Hydrocephalus in Iowa, 2003-2011
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Association of complement component C4 with conversion to psychosis among adolescents at clinical high risk of psychosis
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Characterizing relationships between bacterial indicators of foodborne pathogens on Mexican produce in the pre-harvest and post-harvest environment
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An Exploratory Analysis of Associations between Hansen’s Disease, Schistosomiasis and Strongyloidiasis in Minas Gerais, Brazil
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Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Very Low Carb Diets vs. Other Recommended Diets for Type-2 Diabetes Management
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Association Between Political Affiliation and Attitudes towards COVID-19 Vaccination and Risk Mitigation Strategies Among Adults in Georgia, December 2020
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Effects of Calcium and/or Vitamin D Supplementation on Biomarkers of Gut Barrier Function in Colorectal Adenoma Patients: a Randomized Clinical Trial
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Presentation and Treatment Outcomes by Diabetes Status among Patients with Tuberculosis in Guam, 2015–2018
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Hypertension in Rural and Indigenous Populations in Odisha, India
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Risk Factors and trends associated with Bactrim non-susceptibility among patients with Carbapenem- resistant Acinetobacter baumannii identified through the Emerging Infections Program, 2012 to 2019
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Preventive Health Services Provided at Infant and Child Visits at Six Maternal-Child Health Clinics in Western Kenya: A Cross-Sectional Assessment, 2017
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People, Places and Stigma Management: A Qualitative Study Exploring the Overdose Risk Environment in Rural Kentucky
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An Assessment of Risk Factors for Breast Cancer Among Women Attending Breast Cancer Screening in Saudi Arabia.
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Trust and Transparency in Public Health
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Ethically Including Individuals Who Are Incarcerated in Clinical Research: A Cross-Sectional Survey Exploring the Perspectives of Cardiovascular Researchers
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