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Loss of the Cortical Monoamine Projection Systems in the
MPTP-treated Nonhuman Primate Model of Parkinson's Disease
1 of 10
A Test of Inhibitory Resource Depletion in Rhesus Macaques (Maccaca
2 of 10
Identification of Sequence Learning in Rhesus Macaques through
Infrared Eye Tracking
3 of 10
Fear and safety signal learning and conditioned inhibition using
a visual version of the AX+BX- fear-potentiated startle paradigm in
4 of 10
Local NMDA Antagonism Prevents Inversion of Dopamine Responses
in Striatal Medium Spiny Neurons in the Parkinsonian Macaque
5 of 10
Cutaneus Trunci Muscle Reflex as a Model for Neural Plasticity
after Spinal Cord Injury
6 of 10
Functional characterization of the interaction of TAR DNA binding
protein 43 (TDP-43) and poly(A) binding protein nuclear 1 (PABPN1)
7 of 10
Pitch Shift Correction of Song Patterning Changes Induced by
Delayed Auditory Feedback in Bengalese Finches
8 of 10
CRHR1 and CRHR2 pre-treatment gene expression may predict malignant
melanoma patients neuropsychiatric responses to IL-2 therapy
9 of 10
Motor Control of Heartbeat Coordination in the Medicinal Leech
10 of 10