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"Babies Havin' Babies": Examining Visual Representations of Teenage Pregnancy, 1960-1996
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The Dynamic Relationship between the Exchange Rate of the Yen/USDand the Stock Prices in the Financial Market of United States
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Interpreting On and Off-Screen Lesbianism: A Case Study of EmoryUniversity College Students
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Predicting Disease Comorbidity by Mining Large Text Corpora
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Determinants of Marta Ridership: How Gas Prices, Income, and Race Affect Public Transit Use in Atlanta
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The New British Nature Writing: Seamus Heaney and Roger Deakin'sEcological Archive
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Taking Up Arms: A Study of Ethnicity, Inequality, and Poverty asPredictors of Conflict
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The Occult as Narrative and Thematic Device in James Joyce'sUlysses
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Charm or Harm: The Effect of an American Southern Accent onAttitude and Comprehension
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A Typology of Sonority Sequences in Word-Final Consonant Clusters
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Gloves & Grease
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The Politics of Nomenclature: An Analysis of Language in GovernmentSpeeches, Laws and Popular Discourse in Argentina from 1976-2007
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How Attitudes Regarding Consumer Indebtedness and Durable GoodsAffected Household Expenditure, 1920-1937
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Tocqueville on the Political and Intellectual Effects of theTyranny of the Majority
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Crashing into Us: The Impact of Globalization on IndividualAttitudes About Free Enterprise, Government, and Human Rights
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Therapeutic Sealing with Drama Therapy: An Integration ofTheatrical Catharsis and Scientific Practice
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"Il Toscano Non È Un Dialetto": Variation in ItalianLanguage Attitudes
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There and Back Again: A Journey Through the Regional TheatreMovement in the United States
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The Mythology of the Meme: Tracing the Body and Soul inPhilosophical and Theological Mythmaking
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Resisting the Margins: Black Lesbian Self-Definition andEpistemology
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