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"Der Mangel an Schönheit": Life in Hohenschönhausen in
the 1950s
1 of 20
Wait your turn! Black-Brown conflict and political action against
2 of 20
The Militarization of Public Security and Violence: A Study of the
Mexican Case
3 of 20
Conditions at home: analyzing constituent versus party pressures
on free trade
4 of 20
Democracy and Political Order in Mexico
5 of 20
The Influence of Business Groups as Amici on Judges in the U.S.
Courts of Appeals
6 of 20
A Study of the Recorder's Court: Does Sentencing Disparity Exist
and if so, Why?
7 of 20
The Decision to Disagree: A Revisit of Eroding Consensus on the
U.S. Supreme Court
8 of 20
"Practice, or Procedure:" An Analysis of the Impact of Georgia's
Voter Registration Procedures on the Composition of the Electorate,
9 of 20
Examining the Social and Political Conditions that Allow for the
Adoption of Modern School Desegregation Plans
10 of 20
Do Negative Foreign Aid Shocks Worsen Respect for Human Rights?
11 of 20
Refugee Resettlement in the European Union: an Examination of
Factors Affecting Compliance with EU Refugee Policy
12 of 20
D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals and the EPA
13 of 20
Building Trust For Democracy's Sake: How Trust Building Helped
Determine Outcomes of the Arab Spring
14 of 20
Sexual Violence and Pro-Government Militias
15 of 20
Is Justice Blind? The Effect of Popular Opinion, Race, and
Selection System on Death Penalty Relief
16 of 20
Under Pressure: Judicial Reform in Africa
17 of 20
Policy Implementation and Dissemination on Campus: Student Perceptions of Sexual Misconduct Policy and Title IX Compliance
18 of 20
Foreign Direct Investment and Human Rights: A Look at Labor and
Women's Rights
19 of 20
The Dangers of Despotism in Tocqueville's America
20 of 20