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Time-dependent determination of inflammatory mediators in a 5xFADmouse model of Alzheimer's disease
1 of 100
Spatial and temporal criticality emerge from latent-variable models
2 of 100
The Impact of Urbanization on Environmental Systems and Applications to Urban Sustainability: A Case Study of the Atlanta Metro Region, Georgia
3 of 100
Psychopathy, Emotional Processing, and Aggression: The Role of Fearless Dominance
4 of 100
Molecular Cloning and Functional Characterization of the CBX7 Transcript Variant Gene
5 of 100
Analyzing Non-verbal Behavior Throughout Recovery in a Sample of Depressed Patients Receiving Deep Brain Stimulation
6 of 100
Polymers that Entrap and Catalytically Decontaminate Toxics
7 of 100
Analyzing Probiotic-Induced Shifts to the Microbiome in a Murine Model of Atherosclerosis
8 of 100
Sex and gender influences on adult male perception of infant cries
9 of 100
Establishing a murine model for preclinical evaluation of novel erythrocyte transfusion therapies
10 of 100
What Does “Hypersocial” Mean in Individuals with Williams Syndrome (WS)?
11 of 100
Investigating the Interaction of Upregulated Signaling Effectors in GBM
12 of 100
In vivo Characterization of the Critical Interaction between the RNA Exosome and the Essential RNA Helicase Mtr4
13 of 100
Using Metacognition to Identify the Underlying Memory System for Simultaneous Chaining in Rhesus Macaques
14 of 100
An examination of the role of serotonin 2C (5-HT2C) receptors in psychostimulant self-administration in rhesus macaques.
15 of 100
Pentagalloyl glucose: An ethnobotanical approach to multidrug resistance
16 of 100
Allylic C-H Functionalization of Disubstituted Olefins via Rhodium-π-Allyl Intermediates and Development of a Chiral Cyclopentadienyl Catalyst
17 of 100
Determination of Repulsive Force Law of Jammed Emulsion Droplets through Minimization
18 of 100
General relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (GRMHD) simulations of black hole accretion and jets
19 of 100
Swelling of Poly(methyl methacrylate) Films in Different Solvent Vapor Environments: A Comparison of Solvents Used in Nanolithographic Processing
20 of 100
The Investigation of the Effects of Counter-cations and Sterically Encumbered Ligands on the Structure and Catalytic Activity of Cu Complexes Supported by Bis(amidophenyl)amine Ligands
21 of 100
Examining the effects of gene flow on host resistance to parasites
22 of 100
Neural correlates of Recollection and Familiarity responses in episodic memory: A Seed-based d Mapping Meta-Analysis
23 of 100
Using an Individualized Implicit Association Test to Measure Synesthesia Strength
24 of 100
Bone Marrow Grafts from Donors Treated with Flt3L Have More Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells and Lead to Improved Transplant Outcomes
25 of 100
Nitric Oxide Mediated Degradation of CYP2A6 via the Ubiquitin-Proteasome Pathway in Human Hepatoma Cells
26 of 100
Influence of chromatic light on lens-induced myopia in mice
27 of 100
Predicting Micellization Behavior of Carboxylate Surfactants from Molecular Dynamics Simulations
28 of 100
The Queer Female Medical Narratives
29 of 100
Portuguese News Portrayal of the National Health Service (NHS) through the First Wave of COVID-19: A Textual Analysis
30 of 100
A Retrospective Review of Minority Enrollment and Clinical Outcomes in Breast Cancer Clinical Trials at Emory University
31 of 100
Spiteful Weapons and the Environmental Dependence of Phage
32 of 100
Prion Delivery via Peptide-Nucleic Acid Co-assembly: the Inside-out Virus
33 of 100
Gene Expression Analysis of Endothelial Cells Derived from Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
34 of 100
Memory Effects in the Friction of Hydrogel Particles
35 of 100
Analysis of the COVID-19 Response in Sri Lanka
36 of 100
Acquisition of Reproductive Health Knowledge: How girls in Georgia learn about their reproductive bodies
37 of 100
Experimental Evaluation of Territoriality and Associated Behaviors in the Spotted Dusky Salamander (Desmognathus conanti)
38 of 100
Investigating in vivo and in vitro trade-offs of antifungal resistance in Candida albicans
39 of 100
Nanomechanics of D- and I-substituted DNA
40 of 100
The Adaptive Nature of Korean Traditional Medicine in Atlanta and Boston
41 of 100
Myeloma Patient-Derived MCL1 Point Mutations Can Influence MCL1-Inhibitor Function
42 of 100
Population Density of the Northern Sea Otter (Enhydra lutris kenyoni) as an Indicator of Strep Syndrome Transmission Mechanism
43 of 100
Multi-Trait Polygenic Prediction of Nicotine Dependence
44 of 100
Reprogramming the Immune Phenotype of Rb-deficient Prostate Cancer Cells via BET Inhibition
45 of 100
Id Genes role in Chordamesoderm and Notochord Development in Zebrafish (Danio rerio)
46 of 100
Tumorigenic, oncogenic, and cell cycle effects of H2A/H3 oncohistone mutations explored through structural modeling and analysis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
47 of 100
Warmth-insensitive fields: a tool for the psychophysical study of innocuous and noxious thermal perception
48 of 100
The Role of the Amygdala in Memory for Social and Nonsocial Odors
49 of 100
Effects of Adverse Maternal Care on Development of the Prefrontal Cortex, Amygdala, Hippocampus and Nucleus Accumbens in Rhesus Monkeys: Relations with Cocaine Self-Administration
50 of 100
Directed Compartment Self-Assembly and Modulation of Encapsulin Quaternary Structure
51 of 100
The impact of rare human genetic variants and disease-linked mutations of RGS14 on the RGS14-Rap2A interactions and the regulation of JNK signaling
52 of 100
Double transformation of Medicago truncatula and analysis of biotin ligase production in root cells: towards the creation of a mycorrhiza-induced INTACT system
53 of 100
Improving Decoding of Electrocorticographic Signals using Deep Learning
54 of 100
The Role of the Neuropeptide Galanin in Locus Coeruleus Degeneration
55 of 100
Characterization of the role of Hfq in ABUW_1645 expression and phenotypic switching in Acinetobacter baumannii
56 of 100
Optimizing Dendritic Cell-Tumor Fusion Vaccine for Acute Myeloid Leukemia
57 of 100
Testing the Charge Residence Time on Acoustically Levitated Particles
58 of 100
Powering Polyvalent DNA Motors Using Exonuclease III
59 of 100
Design of an experimental strategy to study the effect of rNTPs on transcriptional elongation by E. Coli RNA Polymerase
60 of 100
Treatment Adherence Patterns in Rural Georgian Veterans with Sleep Apnea: An Anthropological Approach
61 of 100
Cognitive mechanisms of source memory in rhesus monkeys (Maccaca mulatta)
62 of 100
Scavenger Receptor Expression is Differentially Affected by DNAzyme-Gold Nanoparticle Conjugates in a Lung Model
63 of 100
Low-Dimensional Dynamics Encoding in Human Brain Data
64 of 100
A Study of the Physical Properties of Acrylic Polymers Commonly Used in Art Conservation
65 of 100
Computational and Experimental Studies of Allylic C-H Functionalization of Internal Olefins via Group IX Metal-Pi-Allyl Intermediates and Invention of a Chiral Indenylrhodium(III) Catalyst
66 of 100
Optical Spectroscopy of Moiré Structures: Light-Induced Effective Magnetic Field in Atomic Thin Materials
67 of 100
Amplification of Aminoglycoside Modifying Enzyme aadB Results in Tobramycin Heteroresistance
68 of 100
Context and Complexity in Mouse Vocalizations
69 of 100
Multiresolution Methods for Convolutional Neural Networks
70 of 100
Design and Construction of a Tensile and Shear Strength Testing Apparatus to Study the Addition of Fumed Silica to the Acrylic Adhesive B-72 Used in Art Conservation
71 of 100
Characterization of GalR1 and MOR mRNA Co-Expression in the Nucleus Accumbens
72 of 100
Behavior, learning, and lithics: Understanding the process of learning, and handaxe production through behavior
73 of 100
Chemical profiling of Inosine using a Click-Compatible Acrylamide and EndoV Protein
74 of 100
Growth Differentiation Factor 15 (GDF15) Causes Cardiac Cachexia in Heart Failure
75 of 100
Molecular Characterization of A Growth-Factor Induced Glioblastoma Model
76 of 100
Widening Niche Breadth: Investigating the Plasticity of Plant-Pollinator Interactions
77 of 100
Pathological Characterization of AAV2-Flex-taCaspa3-2A-TEVp-Induced Temporal Lobe Epilepsy in a Mice Model
78 of 100
A Qualitative Analysis of Attitudes, Knowledge, and Interest in Research of People with Parkinson’s Disease and their Care Partners in an Accessible Research Education Program
79 of 100
A Meta-Analysis of the Relation Between Mental Rotation Ability and Math Achievement
80 of 100
Interactive Software for Dose Calculation and Simulation of Phase I Cancer Clinical Trial Using EWOC-NETS Design
81 of 100
The Effects of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, and Emotion Dysregulation Symptom severity on Insulin response in African American Women with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
82 of 100
Pathogen virulence evolution increases pathogen growth in presence of antibiotics
83 of 100
Alzheimer's Disease Associated Genomic Variants Identified in White Populations are Present in African Americans at Risk for Alzheimer's Disease Due to Family History
84 of 100
Mapping Behavioral and Neural Data with Variational Autoencoders
85 of 100
Growth inhibitory activity of Rosa × damascena flower extract on Acinetobacter baumannii
86 of 100
Salt Effects on Peptide-Phosphate Co-Assemblies
87 of 100
Domain-Independent Sports Match Prediction using Dynamically Updated Database
88 of 100
Analysis of wzz2 expression in different Pseudomonas aeruginosa serotypes and the correlation of resistance to serum and outer membrane stress
89 of 100
Synthesis of a Click-Compatible Phenylacrylamide to Probe A-to-I RNA Editing
90 of 100
The Mysterious White Dwarf G29-38: Can Magnetically Supported Outflows Explain the 10 micron Excess Emission in its Spectral Energy Distribution?
91 of 100
Amyloid Precursor Protein Regulation by G Protein-Coupled Receptor 12
92 of 100
Potential Effects of Breast Cancer on PTSD Symptoms in a Trauma-Exposed Population of African American Women
93 of 100
Health and Economy: Impact of the Great Recession on Physical and Mental Health Outcomes
94 of 100
Examining the Reliability of an Online Assessment of Autism-Related Traits in Adults
95 of 100
Development and assessment of real-time PCR assays to detect diffusely adherent Escherichia coli
96 of 100
Cloud-based Active Learning System for Question Answering on Multiparty Dialogue
97 of 100
Mapping the Loci Underlying Caenorhabditis elegans Resistance to the Bacterial Parasite Serratia Marcescens
98 of 100
Neuromodulation of Interhemispheric Connectivity by Paired Associative Stimulation after Stroke
99 of 100
Preparing Children for Surgery with Educational Pop-Up Books: From Theory to Clinical Trial
100 of 100