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Comparing Christian and "Islamic" Democratic Parties: Is the Turkish AKP a Muslim Counterpart of the German CDU-CSU?
1 of 11
The Evolution of Hamas: Testing the Validity of the Inclusion-Moderation Thesis
2 of 11
Politics, Protest, and Hashtag Activism: The Political Participation of African American Youth on Social Media
3 of 11
Mitigating Sectarian Conflict in Iraq, Lebanon and Malaysia: an exploration of the consociational model and political elite behavior
4 of 11
Taking Up Arms: A Study of Ethnicity, Inequality, and Poverty asPredictors of Conflict
5 of 11
Building Trust For Democracy's Sake: How Trust Building Helped
Determine Outcomes of the Arab Spring
6 of 11
Unwed Mothers in Morocco: studying the impact of the UN women's
7 of 11
Voting in New Democracies: the Case of Egypt's First Post-Mubarak
8 of 11
Playing for Keeps: Theatre for Development (TfD) and Collective
9 of 11
Ethnic Mobilization and Fiscal Distribution in Pakistan
10 of 11
The Changing Nature of Al-Qaeda: Changes in al-Qaeda's
Organizational Structure and the Effect of U.S. Counterterrorism
11 of 11