Résultats de recherche
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Associations between Maternal Depression and Infant Temperament:
Investigations of a Transactional Model
1 de 10
The Role of Infant EEG, Mothers' Prenatal Anxiety and Parenting
Behaviors in the Association Between Mothers' Perinatal Depression
and Infant Positive Affect
2 de 10
Psychophysiological Correlates of Non-Suicidal Self-Injury in
Adolescent Girls
3 de 10
Emotion Regulation in Infants of Depressed Mothers: A Multi-Systems Approach
4 de 10
Examining Testosterone and Aggression in a Biosocial Framework
5 de 10
Prenatal Exposure to Maternal Depression and Infant Vagal Tone
at 3-Months: The Moderating Role of Maternal Parenting Quality
6 de 10
Sex Differences in Visual Attention to the Mouth in Infancy:
Implications for Language Acquisition
7 de 10
The Role of Perinatal Depression in the Development of Co-occurring Aggression and Anxiety/Depression Problems
8 de 10
The Association between EEG Asymmetry and Negative Affectivity in
Infants of Depressed Mothers
9 de 10
Electroencephalogram Patterns in Infants of Depressed
10 de 10