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Cellular oxygen-sensing through HIF-1α and NF-κB: A
therapeutic target for ischemia.
1 of 10
Dynamic regulation of the endothelial adherens junction
2 of 10
Identification and Characterization of Novel Regulators of
Salvador-Warts-Hippo Signaling in Drosophila
3 of 10
Determining the Cellular Mechanism Involved in PemphigusVulgaris-Induced Desmoglein 3 Internalization and DesmosomalDisassembly
4 of 10
Structure Function Analysis of SIRPα-CD47 Interactions
5 of 10
Claudin Expression in Alveolar Epithelia Influences Barrier
Function: The Effect of Extracellular Matrix on Claudin Expression
6 of 10
Regulation of Myoblast Fusion by Creatine Kinase B and its
Interacting Partners
7 of 10
Mechanisms of outside-in JAM-A mediated signaling
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Commensal-Epithelial Signaling Mediated via Formyl Peptide
9 of 10
Mechanisms of JAM-A Dependent Regulation of Barrier Function
10 of 10