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Parables and Pretense: Teaching Metaphoric Language in the Church
1 of 10
Childhood Trauma and Resilience: Towards a Spiritually Focused
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Approach
2 of 10
Prophecy and Gender Instability: A Queer Reading of Hosea's
Marriage Metaphor
3 of 10
International Justice? A Critical Reflection of Christian Reconciliation and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
4 of 10
The Death of a Tyrant Type-Scene in Acts 12:20-23: Negotiating
Historical Parallels and Narrative Fulfillment in Luke-Acts
5 of 10
Paul on the Road to Natchez: Resurrection and Conversion in the
Christ-Haunted South
6 of 10
Confused Rhetoric: Assessing and Clarifying Rhetorical Criticism(s) of the Pauline Epistles
7 of 10
The Believers Church and the Triune God: How the Trinitarian
Theology of Robert W. Jenson Critiques and Supplements the
Ecclesiology of John Howard Yoder
8 of 10
Beyond Exceptions and Humanitarianism: Agency, Obligation, and
Ethics in the Law of Asylum
9 of 10
Sacrifice and Sasswood: Mimetic Desire and Rule-Of-Law Development in Liberia
10 of 10