Targeting Enteric and Respiratory Viruses Across Scales: The Impact of Immunization, Exposure Control, and Environmental Change on Population Disease Dynamics
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Challenges and Threats to the Sustainability of Sanitation Programs and the Role of Gender Equality and Women Empowerment in Sanitation Programs in Chivi, Zimbabwe
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Characterizing relationships between bacterial indicators of foodborne pathogens on Mexican produce in the pre-harvest and post-harvest environment
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Understanding the relationship between norovirus and indicator organisms on predicted contamination of produce along the United States-Mexico border
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Multi-scale assessment of rotavirus vaccination: determinants of immunological, clinical and population-level effects
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Using Serological Assays Detecting IgG to Estimate Malaria
Transmission Intensity in Thies, Senegal
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Using Wearable GPS Technology to Quantify Occupation-Related Human
Movement in a Remote Riverine Region of Hyperendemic Malaria
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Systematic Literature Review: Identifying the Challenges Mental
Health Professionals Experience when Assessing and Measuring Racial
Microaggressions in African Americas in the United States
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The economic burden of pediatric gastroenteritis to Bolivian
caregivers: Predictors of catastrophic cost and overall cost