Impact of Vesicular Monoamine Transporter 2 Overexpression and Norepinephrine Transporter Inhibition on Neuromelanin-Induced Locus Coeruleus Neurodegeneration
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Locus coeruleus physiology in physiology in Alzheimer’s disease
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RGS14 protects against seizure-induced mitochondrial oxidative stress and pathology in the hippocampus
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Norepinephrine and Dopamine Contribute to Distinct Repetitive Behaviors Induced by Predator Odor Stress
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Impact of Genotype and High-Fat High-Carbohydrate Diet on the Colon in the TgF344-AD and 5xFAD Rodent Models
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Understanding how cocaine propels inflexible action strategies
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Galanin and Opioids: Molecular and Behavioral Interactions in Opioid Use Disorder Circuits
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The role of noradrenergic-derived galanin in stress-related behavior
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The Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel SCN1A and Epilepsy
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Abnormal dopamine signaling in a mouse model of dystonia