Maternal Depression and Parenting Self-Efficacy: A Meta-Analytic
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Associations between Maternal Depression and Infant Temperament:
Investigations of a Transactional Model
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The Role of Infant EEG, Mothers' Prenatal Anxiety and Parenting
Behaviors in the Association Between Mothers' Perinatal Depression
and Infant Positive Affect
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Parenting Self-Efficacy in Depressed and Non-Depressed Mothers of
School-Aged Children: The Role of Mood, Stress, and Social Support
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Does Mental Rotation Training Improve Arithmetic Competence in
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Psychophysiological Correlates of Non-Suicidal Self-Injury in
Adolescent Girls
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Correlates of Adolescent Nonsuicidal Self-Injury: Adolescent Emotional Reactivity and Maternal Parenting Behaviors
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Children's Positive Affect in Relation to Positive Parenting: Role of Informant and Gender
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Predictors of Father Involvement during Infancy in the Context
of Maternal Depression
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Analysis of Participants' Experiences of Mindfulness Based
Cognitive Therapy for Perinatal Depression