Spatial Associations Between Redlining, Gentrification, and Cancer Risk from Air Toxics in Metropolitan Atlanta, GA
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Ambient Air Pollution Estimation Using Bayesian Hierarchical Models
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The Effect of Ambient Air Pollution and Temperature on Acute Pediatric Mental Health Outcomes in Los Angeles, CA: A Case-Crossover Study
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In-utero exposure to indoor air pollution or tobacco smoke and cognitive development in a South African birth cohort study
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The effect of ambient air pollution on term birth weight and preterm birth in Kansas, 2005-2013
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Assessing Allergenic Vegetation Landscape and Pediatric Respiratory-Related Emergency Department Visits in metro-Atlanta: A novel method
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Estimating PM2.5 Concentration and Evaluating National Ambient Air Quality Standard in Johannesburg Area, South Africa
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Residential Roadway Proximity and Lung Function Decline in Pediatric Cystic Fibrosis
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Impact of ambient air pollution on sickle cell disease
exacerbations in Atlanta, GA
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Air Quality and Morbidity in Dhaka City, Bangladesh: an estimation
of the contribution of brick kilns to air quality & their
potential to affect human health